Effect of thyme (Thymus vulgaris) as a feed additive on the growth performance, blood parameters and carcass characteristics of Japanese quails

Delman D. maulod; Ayhan Jalal; Sami Mahdi Ahmed; Delman D. maulod

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 44-52

  This study was conducted to demonstrate the effect of supplemented thyme powder on growth performance, blood parameters and carcass traits in Japanese quail. One hundred and eighty (180) quail chicks after one week rearing were divide into four treatments which called: (T1) basal diet without thyme ; ...  Read More

An economic and econometric analysis of the most important factors affecting the import of wheat in Iraq for the period (1990-2020)

Muhammad Ali Hamad; Bassem Fadhel Lateef

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 1-11

  This study aims to conduct an economic and standard analysis of the import function of the wheat crop through a number of factors affecting it in Iraq for the period (1990-2020), as the imported quantities were used as a dependent factor, while the independent factors were (produced quantities, national ...  Read More

Estimating the economic efficiency of cucumber crop the protected houses in Diyala governorate (Baquba an Applied model) for the 2021 agricultural season

jasim N. Jasim; Hassan T. Zanzal

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 12-19

  The cultivation of vegetable crops the protected houses is one of the important foundations in increasing productivity due to the control of the environmental conditions of the farm. A random sample of cucumber crop producers was relied upon, represented by (60) products, to achieve the research objectives ...  Read More

Estimation the Cost function in long-run derived from the Cobb Douglas production function and estimating the resources demand function and the output supply function for Calves fattening projects in Baghdad Governorate

Nahidh Naji Issa; Hassan Thamer Zanzal

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 20-28

  Despite the seriousness individual attempts made by some breeders to develop and improve methods of breeding and fattening to reduce costs, but most breeders follow the traditional methods of breeding and fattening their livestock, and this is what prompted me to do this study, A questionnaire for a ...  Read More

Determinants of increasing the productivity of the wheat crop from the viewpoint of farmers in Salah al-Din Governorate, Iraq, and its relationship with some factors

Mohammed Omar Shareef; Jadoua Shehab Ahmed

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 29-43

  The agricultural economic development and increasing agricultural productivity is one of the priorities for Iraq because of its relationship to food, people’s lives and food security. The main basis for agricultural economic development and achieving national food security, the problem of cultivating ...  Read More

Microbial counts and eating quality of breast broilers meat subjected to different freezing and refreezing storage periods

Bestoon Hassan Ahmed; Naska Abdulqadir Marzany

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 53-59

  This study aimed to assess the effect of the frozen and refrozen storage durations on the sensory and microbial quality of broiler chickens’ meat. A total of 40 breast muscle of broilers meat were dividing into two treatments (freezing and refreezing treatments). The meat in the first treatment was ...  Read More

Estimation of Some Genetic Parameters of Some Productive Traits of local and Turkish Awassi Sheep

Osamah Hameed Shihab; Dhafir Shakir Abdullah; Emad Ghaib Abdulrahman

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 60-69

  This study was carried out at the ruminant research station of the General Commission for Agricultural Research / Ministry of Agriculture (in Abu Ghraib 20km west of Baghdad) from December 2018 to December/2020. The research included 200 records belonging to the Turkish and local Awassi sheep herd to ...  Read More

Factors Affecting in Some Productive Traits for Local and Turkish Awassi Sheep

Osamah H. Shihab; Dhafer S. Abdullah; Emad Ghaib Abdulrahman

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 70-77

  The aim of study effecting fixed factors (breed, year of birth, age of dam, sex of lambs) in total milk yield and milk composition and some of growth traits (birth weight and weaning weight), the overall mean of milk yield (66.58 ±1.67. kg) ,it was breed effect significant (P<0.05) , while the effect ...  Read More

Physiology of nano fertilizers in agriculture aspect

Mohamed Abdulla Ahmed

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 78-83

  With increased demand for traditional agricultural practices, they are increasingly insufficient. The use of nano-fertilizers is essential when aimed to increase plant production. In 2003, nanotechnology started to be used in agriculture and food industry. This led to change in agricultural production ...  Read More

Effect of compound fertilizer (Amcolon) Addition and foliar spray of amino acids (Tecamin) on the chemical properties of the local variety orange saplings (Citrus sinensis)

Mahmoud Jassim Muhammad; Mahmoud Fadel Latif

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 84-92

  This experiment was conducted in the lath house - Department of Horticulture and Landscape - College of Agriculture - Tikrit university during 2021 growing season, to study the effect of compound fertilizer addition (Amcolon) and amino acid (Tecamin) on chemical properties of orange saplings. It consisted ...  Read More

Physiological effects of salt stress on plant growth

Mohamed Abdulla Ahmed

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 93-97

  Salinity affects plant growth by causing physiological and morphological changes, which reduces its vegetative system. This appears through decreases in stem length, number of leaves, as well as lateral branches and diameter of plant organs.There are two types of salinity: soil salinity and water salinity. ...  Read More

Therapeutic Gardens in Psychological Hospitals Between Reality and Requirements - A Case Study in Sulaimani city

Chia K. Rashid; Ali O. M. Sharbazhery; Mihraban O. Mustafa

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 98-112

  The research was conducted to study the reality of therapeutic gardens at psychological hospitals in Sulaimani city- Iraq. The study included two hospitals; Soz for women (SW) and Shaheed Salah for men (SSM). It was carried out during the period from April 15, 2019 to February 15, 2021. The results showed ...  Read More

Effect of NPK nano fertilizer on vegetative, flowering, and content traits of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

Angham Ayad Kamaluddin; Riyadh Mannaa Mohsin; Ashjan Nazar Kamil

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 113-119

  This experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the department of Horticulture and Landscape, Tikrit University, during spring 2021. The aim was to investigate the effect of NPK nano fertilizers on growth, flowering, and mineral content characteristics of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana. basic and nano NPK ...  Read More

Field evaluation of some entomopathogenic fungi and the pesticide Dominant and its combinations on Myzus persicae and their effect on growth and yield of cold pepper

Muhammad Shaker Mansour; Abdullah Abdul Kareem Hassan; Raghad Saad Daham

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 120-129

  A field evaluation test of the compatibility effect of the pesticide Dominante with different concentrations of T. longibrachiatum and M.anisopliae spore suspensions on the mortality rate of various stages of green peach on the cold pepper showed the superiority of the treatment M9 (M.anisopliae 1010 ...  Read More

The importance of crop rotation and some inducing factors in indicators of infection of wheat Galls nematode Anguina tritici

Yasser K. Hindy; Salih M. Ismail; Jasim M. Aziz

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 130-136

  The field experiment was carried out in the fields of a farmer in Kirkuk governorate / Hawija district N 43º36´17.73"E"05.56´ 35º16, and the study included the planting of the crop rotation crops (mung beans, sunflower and sesame and without planting) in the summer For the year 2020, and in the winter ...  Read More

Adsorption and physicochemical release of iron ions in soils with different content of Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Sulfate

Nameer Hamed Yassin Al-Tarbouli

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 137-147

  Three soils of different content of gypsum and lime were selected, the first soil (G1) and the second soil (G3), were obtained near the fields of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tikrit University. As for the third soil (G5), was taken from the AL- alam Village side east of Tikrit city to a depth of (0-10)cm. ...  Read More

Growth, Yield, and Quality Characteristics of Eight Winter Chickpea Varieties Under Rainfed Conditions

Dler Mahmood Abdallah; Hemin A. Neima; Rebwar Ahmed Mustafa

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 148-157

  This experiment was conducted aiming to introduce and select the suitable winter chickpea to Sulaymaniyah governorate climatic conditions. This study was laid out in RCBD design with eight different varieties (namely, FLIP 97-706C, FLIP 03-87C, FLIP 05-74C, FLIP 05-87C, FLIP 05-110C, FLIP 05-142C, FLIP ...  Read More

Organic Matter and Heavy Metals Sorption

Mijbil Mohammad Aljumaily; Hudhaifa Maan Al-Hamandi

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 158-165

  Organic matter content in soils is highly variable and includes dead and living organisms and their decomposition products. plant residue and humic substances. Thermodynamically, organic matter is unstable in soils and later will oxidize to Co2, and H2O. The effective substances of organic matter decomposition ...  Read More

Intercation Between Some Micro-Elements And Humic Substances in Some Forest Soils Northern Iraq

Qahtan D. Essa Al-Khafagi

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 166-174

  Four pedons were selected for different soils in the forest cover, two in each of Mankeesh and Atrush areas in Dohuk governorate, under pine and oak trees, in order to study the distribution of the main groups of humic compounds (humic and fulvic acids) and their association with iron and manganese ions. ...  Read More

Erbil Basin Groundwater Recharge Potential Zone Determination Using Fuzzy-Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in North Iraq

Rahel Hamad

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 175-190

  Severe water scarcity has occurred in the Erbil Basin (EB) due to climate change and mismanagement of water resources during the past three decades. Assessment of the potential area of groundwater recharge is extremely significant for the protection and management of groundwater systems and water quality. ...  Read More

Growth and fruit morpho-physicochemical diversity assessment of local melon genotypes

Rebwar Rafat Aziz; Nawroz Abdul-razzak Tahir

Volume 22, Issue 3 , September 2022, Pages 191-204

  The genetic diversity of melon genotypes obtained from northern Iraq was assessed in 2021 at the University of Sulaimani's Directorate of Garden in Qlyasan using a Randomized Complete Block Design with three blocks, using growth and fruit morpho-physicochemical characteristics. The 57 genotypes were ...  Read More