Document Type : Articles


Plant Protection Department, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


A field evaluation test of the compatibility effect of the pesticide Dominante with different concentrations of T. longibrachiatum and M.anisopliae spore suspensions on the mortality rate of various stages of green peach on the cold pepper showed the superiority of the treatment M9 (M.anisopliae 1010 + Dominante (0.5 g/L)) followed by T9 (T. longibrachiatum 1010 + Dominate (0.5 g/L)) with mortality rate reached to 100 and 99.1%, respectively, after 7 days from the treatment. The results showed that the highest values of plant height, root length and dry weight of shoot and root systems were recorded at treatments T6 (T. longibrachiatum 1010 + Dominante (0.25 g/L)) and T5 (T. longibrachiatum 108 + Dominante (0.25g /L)), as the height of the plant reached (34.33 and 32,) cm respectively, the length of the root system reached to (16 and 14) cm, respectively, while the dry weights of the shoot system were (7.81and 7.69) g and the dry root weights were (5.89 and 5.22) g, respectively, compared with the lowest values for these makers in the control which were 17.12 cm, 7.73 cm, 2.89 g and 3.71 g, respectively. The results also showed the compatibility effect of the pesticide Dominante with different concentrations of the T.longibrachiatum and M.anisopliae spores on the number and weight of the of cold pepper fruits under the conditions of green peach insect Myzus persicae. The treatments T6 (T.longibrachiatum 1010 + Dominante (0.25 g/L)) and T5(T.longibrachiatum 108+Dominante (0.25 g/L)) were recorded the highest number of fruits reached (20.33 and 18.33) fruits, respectively, compared with the lowest fruits number 8.63 in the control, while the highest fruit weight were 609.17 and 588.5g in treatments M3 (M.anisopliae 1010) and T6 (T. longibrachiatum 1010 + Dominante (0.25 g/L)), respectively, compared with the lowest fruits weight 244 g in the control.


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