The Effect of Using Saline Techniques on the Physicochemical Properties and Microstructure of Laboratory-Made Mozzarella Cheese

Samir Hamad Majid; Ghazwan Mahdy Saleh

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 35-46

  This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Food Sciences Department / College of Agriculture / Tikrit University from 1/9/2020 to 1/3/2021. The study included the manufacture of mozzarella cheese from fresh cow’s milk, which were processed by the two salting methods using dry salt and saline ...  Read More

Effect of flaxseed oil drench with different ratio of concentrate to roughage on some blood parameters of Iraqi Awassi lambs

Hameed Rasheed Ahmed Al-Jobbery; Abdullah Isam Noaman

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 96-104

  This experiment was conducted in the Hawija district which is located in the southwest of Kirkuk city, 48 km away. It aimed to determine the effect of the concentrated feed ratio to roughage feed (Alfalfa ) with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid oil (flaxseed oil) on some blood parameters indicative ...  Read More

The causes of farmers’ migration from the rural to the city and ways to address them from the point of view of agricultural extension workers in Sulaymani Governorate- Kurdistan Region – Iraq

Tahir M.L. Hasan

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 1-16

  The research aimed to determine the level of causes for the migration of farmers from the rural areas to the city from the point of view of the agricultural extension workers in the Sulaymani Governorate and its relationship to some variables, as well as identifying the proposed ways to reduce the migration ...  Read More

Attitudes of Rural Women Towards Working in Small Agricultural Prpojects in Bashiqa Sub-District / Nineveh Governorate/ Iraq

Hafsa Fatah Hade

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 17-26

  The research aimed to identify the attitudes of rural women towards working in small agricultural projects in Bashiqa sub-district/Nineveh governorate in general. Also, to identify the correlation between the attitudes of rural women and each of the following independent variables: (age, marital status, ...  Read More

A Survey of the Elderly Nutritional Awareness in Some Districts of Salah Al-Din Governorate / Iraq

Doaa Muthanna Shaban

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 27-34

  The research dealt with the study of the level of awareness of the elderly in food and nutrition in some districts Salah al-Din Governorate / Iraq, because of this importance in that the elderly are directly responsible for their nutrition and the nutrition of their families in some cases. Feeding their ...  Read More

The Effect of Vegetable Oils on some Physiological Traits in Adult Male Rats

Sanya Riadh Abdullah; Mohammed Jameel Mohammed

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 47-52

  The study was conducted in the animal house at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/ Tikrit University to investigate the effect of different concentrations of four types obtained from Al-Emad oil production company, which is grape seed oil, pumpkin oil, black seed oil and olive oil, with two types of ...  Read More

Effect of chitosan as a coating material on the chemical properties of local walnut oil

Mohammedameen Majed Hameed AL-Majed; Mazin Muhammad Ibrahim AL-Zubaidy

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 53-60

  The study aimed to identify some of the chemical properties of the local walnut kernel oil, and to identify the effect of immersing the pulp in chitosan solution with three different concentrations (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) on the quality of the cold extracted oil from these samples when stored for a period ...  Read More

Using the Box-Jenkins Methodology to Build A Standard Model for Forecasting Agricultural Imports in Iraq

Hadeel Ghaleb Hassan Al-Douri; Bassem Fadel Latif Al Douri

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 61-77

  The study aimed to predict Iraqi agricultural and food imports for the period (2021-2027) using the Box-Jenkins methodology. The autocorrelation and partial functions were used for the purpose of ensuring the stability of time series and testing the residual correlation, histogram and probabilistic distribution ...  Read More

Using time series methods to predict the value of agricultural output and some financial indicators affecting it in Iraq for the period (2021q1-2025q4)

Najlaa Salah Mdloul; Jadoa Shehab Ahmed; Ahmad Hussein Battal

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 78-95

  The aim of the research is to predict the value of agricultural output and some fiscal policy variables using quarterly data from the first quarter of 2021 until the fourth quarter of 2025, through the application of different time series methods (random behavior, general trend, moving averages, simple ...  Read More

Effect of using different energy and protein contain in diet on some production performance characters of local brown quail breed

Othman Najh Hijab; Maad A.K. Albaddy

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 105-111

  The study was conducted in one of the research farms in the Department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture at Tikrit University for the period from 17 /10/ 2020 to 11/1/2021 in order to determine the appropriate diets from energy and protein and impact on the production performance of the egg ...  Read More

Effect of a reciprocal cross between local and commercial chickens on hatchability and estimating some genetic parameters

Mohammed S. Abdullah

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 112-118

  This study was carried out at Kani Graw field –around Erbil city during the breeding season 2021 by using two genetic groups of chickens, Kurdish local chickens (KK) and Super Harco commercial dual purpose chickens (HH), which were reciprocally mated to produce four combinations ( HH , KK ,HK and KH) ...  Read More

Effect of Biofertilizer and Biostimulators on Seeds germination and Seedlings growth of Albizia lebbeck L.

Kana Ali Mahmood; Afak Ibrahim Jumma; Danyar bahadin Mahmood

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 119-133

  A factorial experiment according to Randomized Complete Blocks Design (RCBD)was conducted in Serchnar Nursery of the General Directorate of Agriculture in Sulaimani /Kurdistan Region - Iraq, to study the effect of Biofertilizer (Biohealth)at three level were using 0gmL-1 , seed inoculation in biohealth ...  Read More

Isolation and Molecular Characterization of The Pathogens Trichoderma harzianum and Pseudomonas tolaasii on the Edible Mushroom Agaricus bisporus and Evaluation of Some Desert Plant Extracts for Control Them

Abdullah Abdulkareem Hassan; Idham Ali A bed; Ahmed Fawzi Shafeeq; Idham Ali Abed

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 134-148

  Seven isolates of Pseudomonas bacteria were isolated from the casing soil and 11 fungal isolates from mushroom farm residues in the mushroom production farm - College of Agriculture , Tikrit University. According to the pathogenicity test, the highest infection rate was recorded by the bacterial isolate ...  Read More

Review of Reclamation of salinity affected soils by leaching and their effect on soil properties and plant growth

Muhsen N. Hoshan

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 149-168

  The irrigated soils in dry and semi-arid areas suffer from the problem of salt accumulation because of not using sufficient leaching water to remove the salts added with the irrigation water. Soil salinity contributes to a decrease in the growth and productivity of plants grown in those conditions, as ...  Read More

Optical, morphological and Physico-chemical Properties For some soils in central and northern Iraq, using a digital camera

Ahmed Majeed Heeshan; Ammar S. Ismaeal; Abdulla Azawi Rashid

Volume 22, Issue 1 , March 2022, Pages 169-184

  The study was conducted in three selected sites representing the soils of three governorates of central and northern Iraq (Salah al-Din, Kirkuk, and Erbil), to determine the effect of morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of some soil genetic horizons on their spectral reflectivity using ...  Read More