Document Type : Articles


Department of Agribusiness and Rural Development, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani


The research aimed to determine the level of causes for the migration of farmers from the rural areas to the city from the point of view of the agricultural extension workers in the Sulaymani Governorate and its relationship to some variables, as well as identifying the proposed ways to reduce the migration of farmers from the rural areas to the city. The data was collected using a questionnaire and the personal interview method from the research population, consisting of (98) agricultural extension agents representing (100%) of the size of the research population. The results of the research showed that the level of farmers’ migration from the rural areas to the city is average, tends to rise. And that there is no difference in the opinions of agricultural extension workers towards the migration of farmers from the rural areas to the city according to the research variables (age, educational level, marital status, number of years of experience in the field of agricultural extension, job satisfaction, and the degree of informal social participation), while there is a discrepancy between the opinions of Agricultural extension workers towards the migration of farmers from the rural areas to the city according to the research variables (gender, specialization), Therefore, the researcher recommends that the state establish economic and service projects in the villages to return the rural people to their villages and their original homes, and taking into account the problems that the research results proved to have an impact on the migration of farmers when preparing a future indicative plan in this field..


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