Document Type : Articles


Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq.


The study was conducted in one of the research farms in the Department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture at Tikrit University for the period from 17 /10/ 2020 to 11/1/2021 in order to determine the appropriate diets from energy and protein and impact on the production performance of the egg producing brown Japanese quail 35 days' age. the birds were categorized and divided into six treatments, each treatment contains three duplicates and each repeater contains 8 birds (6 females 2 males) raised for 12 weeks three durations for four weeks. The Experiment treatments were fed on the following diets: treatments resulting from the first treatment 2800 kcal/kg energy feed and 20% crude protein. (first treatment use (2800 kcal/kg and CP18 protein ratio), second use (2900 kcal/kg and CP20 protein ratio), third use (2700 kcal/kg and protein ratio) CP17) and treatments resulting from the second treatment 2900 kcal/kg energy feed and 22% crude protein (first use (2800 kcal/kg and CP18 protein ratio), second (2900 kcal/kg and CP20 protein ratio) third use (2700 kcal/kg and CP17 protein ratio). The results of the statistical analysis showed that there were no significant differences between the factors in the percentage of egg production, the weight of eggs, and the feed consumption rate during the total period (6-17 weeks) and significant treatments exceeded the first, third, fourth and sixth treatments compared with the fifth treatment, There was no significant difference between them and the second treatment in the egg mass and the feed conversion factor was improved during the total period of all experiment treatments by compared with fifth treatment.


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