Document Type : Articles


Department Of Animals Production, Collage of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


This experiment was conducted in the Hawija district which is located in the southwest of Kirkuk city, 48 km away. It aimed to determine the effect of the concentrated feed ratio to roughage feed (Alfalfa ) with long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid oil (flaxseed oil) on some blood parameters indicative of the nutritional effect in Iraqi Awassi lambs. The experiment lasted for 106 days from September 18, 2020 to December 31, 2020, in which 20 lambs aged 5-6 months with a mean initial weight of 29.60±1.88 kg were used. The lambs were placed in individual cages within a semi-open barn, then divided into four groups (29.15, 30.13, 29.62, 29.52) kg. then the four treatments were randomly distributed to the groups. The lambs were fed on one diet of concentrated feed with a protein content of 15.4% and a feeding level of 3% of body weight, then calculated The ratios of concentrated feed at a level of 40/60% to roughage for the first and second treatments and 60/40% to roughage for the third and fourth treatments and the four treatments were equal in the amount of protein intake, each of the first and third treatments drenched with flaxseed oil 0.8% of body weight and 0% each the second and fourth treatments, the animals were weighed weekly to estimate the weight gain. as well as at the end the experiment, blood samples were collected from all animals for the purpose of conducting laboratory tests for the studied traits.The results of the experiment showed that the numbers of white blood cells were significantly (P≤0.05) superior in the treatment drench with flaxseed oil, and the interaction between the treatments had a significant effect in increasing the numbers of white blood cells, as the first and third treatments outperformed (9.33 ± 0.17 and 9.86 ± 0.61 x 103) cells/ml of blood, respectively, on the second and fourth treatments. The triglyceride concentration was significantly increased (P≤0.05) under the influence of the level of concentrated to roughage feed, which reached 83.83 ± 5.38 mg/100 ml of blood (40:60 roughage/concentrated) compared to the treatment 60:40 roughage/concentrated (59.50 ± 7.50) mg/ 100 ml of blood, and the interaction between the factors had a significant effect (P≤0.05) on the blood urea concentration, as the first treatment was the highest (44.66±0.66) mg/100 ml blood. Also, the treatment with flaxseed oil and its interaction with different diets led to a significant decrease (P≤0.05) in the level of liver enzymes and the proportion of feed intake. It was concluded from the experience that increasing the proportion of rough feed (alfalfa ) within the studied level did not negatively affect the performance of physiological lambs and therefore it can be provided for fattening purposes because it is low cost and available locally.


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