Document Type : Articles


1 Salah al-Din Agriculture Directorate, Ministry of Agriculture

2 College of Agriculture - Tikrit University - Ministry of Higher Education


This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Food Sciences Department / College of Agriculture / Tikrit University from 1/9/2020 to 1/3/2021. The study included the manufacture of mozzarella cheese from fresh cow’s milk, which were processed by the two salting methods using dry salt and saline ratios. The first method using dry salt with ratios (1, 1.5, 2) g / 100 g of cheese and the second method using brine with concentrations (5, 7.5, 10 %). The effect of the two methods on the physicochemical properties was studied. The results of the physicochemical analysis of mozzarella cheese made from cow's milk showed highest value of pH (5.90) for the control treatment CA and the lowest value ( 5.27 ) for A6 treatment (10% saline solution), as for the bulk total acidity, its values ranged between (0.135_0.173%) for both control CA and A2 (1.5% dry salt) treatments, respectively. The protein percentage recorded the highest value (18.85%) for A5 treatment and the lowest value (15.44%) for A3 treatment, the fat percentage recorded the highest value (18.80%) for A4 treatment and the lowest value (17.14%) for A6 treatment. The results of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed the effect of adding salt on improving cheese texture and internal protein composition compared with the control treatment..


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