Document Type : Articles


Department of Food Sciences - College of Agriculture and Forestry - University of Mosul – Mosul - Iraq


The study aimed to identify some of the chemical properties of the local walnut kernel oil, and to identify the effect of immersing the pulp in chitosan solution with three different concentrations (0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%) on the quality of the cold extracted oil from these samples when stored for a period of four months. The acid value and  free fatty acids % and peroxide value increased during storage, and the least increased was the samples treated with chitosan, especially the concentration 1.5%, but the Iodine value was decreased in all stored samples, but the lowest was the samples treated with chitosan, especially the concentration of 1.5%.The results showed that walnut  oil contained many saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, but the highest amount of fatty acid was linoleic, then oleic, then linolenic, there was no change in the amount of saturated fatty acids, while the amount of unsaturated fatty acids decreased for untreated and chitosan-treated samples during storage, except that treatment with chitosan reduced the amount of losing.


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