Document Type : Articles


1 Ministry of Science and Technology Agricultural Research

2 Collage of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


Despite the seriousness individual attempts made by some breeders to develop and improve methods of breeding and fattening to reduce costs, but most breeders follow the traditional methods of breeding and fattening their livestock, and this is what prompted me to do this study, A questionnaire for a sample of (100) breeders in Mahmoudia district (case study) for the year 2021, the study aimed to derive the cost function in long-run from the output of Cobb-Douglas production function, as well as deriving the supply function from the cost function in long-run derived from the Cobb-Douglas production function, and derivation the supply function From the production function estimated for Calves fattening projects, in addition to deriving the two demand functions for labor and capital Resources which use in the production process of Calves fattening projects, The cost function in long-run was estimated, and the results of the study showed that the demand for labor and capital in Calves fattening projects was up to (160.7) man /day for labor and (12,776.874) thousand dinars for capital. The displayed quantity of production is about (4040.77) kg, the study recommends the necessity of providing feed, especially concentrated feed, in the necessary quantities and qualities during different seasons by providing hybrid fodder crops such as fodder corn to obtain the desired weight gain.


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