Document Type : Articles


Soil and Water Resources Department, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


Three soils of different content of gypsum and lime were selected, the first soil (G1) and the second soil (G3), were obtained near the fields of the Faculty of Agriculture, Tikrit University. As for the third soil (G5), was taken from the AL- alam Village side east of Tikrit city to a depth of (0-10)cm. the proportions of gypsum were 5%, 15%, 25%, and the proportions of lime were 25%, 20%, and 10% for soils G1, G3, and G5, respectively. Ferrous sulfate was added as a source of iron ions added to the three soils in the following proportions (0,10,25,50,100,150,250,500,750) mg.L-1 The concepts of isotherm were tested by using the physicochemical Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption equations. The results of the study showed the success of both equations in describing of iron ion adsorption process for all three soils, because They achieve a high (R2) but Langmuir's equation showed a greater superiority due to its decreasing (SE). As it appears from the results of the study, the superiority of treatment (G1) over treatments (G3) and (G5) in the maximum adsorption values, binding energy, (PBCFe)(KG) and (Kd) for adsorption and release. As for the values of Labale iron, the lowest value was in treatment (G1)then it began to increase until it reached its value in treatment (G5). The (Δf) values for the three soils were positive, and that the highest value was in soil (G1), and starts declining to reach its value for soil (G5).


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