Document Type : Articles


Tikrit University - College of Agriculture, Iraq


The field experiment was carried out in the fields of a farmer in Kirkuk governorate / Hawija district N 43º36´17.73"E"05.56´ 35º16, and the study included the planting of the crop rotation crops (mung beans, sunflower and sesame and without planting) in the summer For the year 2020, and in the winter season, the wheat crop, Sham 6 variety, was planted in the experimental units planted with the crops of the agricultural rotation, as well as fallow land that was not planted with any previous crop. The wheat crop was treated with inducting factors (atonic, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide and organic copper) by two sprays, the first at the branching stage and the second at the end of the elongation stage, for each of the inducting factors, the randomized complete block design was used in the arrangement of the split plot RCBD in split plot), the results of the experiment showed a significant superiority of the induction treatment with organic copper in reducing the infection indicators of wheat plants, as it recorded the percentage of infestation of spikes, the percentage of infected grains and the average weight The gall had the lowest average of 10.92 %, 3.42 %, and 3.91 mg, respectively, and the sunflower treatment showed a significant difference for the characteristics of the percentage of spikes infestation, the percentage of infected grains, and the average weight of the gall. Were 10.39, 4.30%, and 3.83 mg, respectively As for the interaction treatments between inducing factors and the crop rotation, the treatment of (Sunflower + Organic Copper) was superior when it recorded averages of 5.71%, 0.47% and 2.33 mg, respectively.


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