Document Type : Articles


College of Agriculture - Tikrit University, Iraq


The agricultural economic development and increasing agricultural productivity is one of the priorities for Iraq because of its relationship to food, people’s lives and food security. The main basis for agricultural economic development and achieving national food security, the problem of cultivating strategic crops lies in the fact that they suffer from low productivity and fluctuations, and that there are determinants and problems that impede increasing the productivity of strategic grains, especially wheat, , and for these reasons the study aimed to know The nature of agricultural economic development and agricultural productivity and a study of what are the determinants that lead to reduced productivity of wheat as a model for strategic crops. In this study, the determinants that hinder the increase in agricultural productivity of the wheat crop in Salah El-Din Governorate were diagnosed, according to their priorities and their relationship with some variables, and the areas affecting agricultural productivity and the most important paragraphs in these areas were also identified, as well as the identification of the most important problems that hinder the process of increasing productivity. The study came out with a number of important results and a number of recommendations, including finding a partnership with international companies to produce various modern irrigation systems and the production of pesticides in Iraq. And to allocate funds for this fund that are deducted directly from the federal state budget.


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