Document Type : Articles


1 Horticulture Department, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq .

2 Halabja Technical College of Applied Science, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


The research was conducted to study the reality of therapeutic gardens at psychological hospitals in Sulaimani city- Iraq. The study included two hospitals; Soz for women (SW) and Shaheed Salah for men (SSM). It was carried out during the period from April 15, 2019 to February 15, 2021. The results showed the buildings and spaces for both hospitals were not qualified for mental diseases. These structures were not originally created for such establishments. Both hospitals have areas designated as gardens, but they were not used rightly. Area in SW was exploited to construct gardens, while so-called garden in SSM was not used. Each of which, did not achieve the goals and purposes of which they were founded. Moreover, the hospitals scarcely interested in recreational activities at these areas. However, based on psychiatrists and doctors in both hospitals, patients needed the activities. Some activities such as sports, artistic, and social activities were provided by the SW inside internal halls. Strong responses by patients to similar activities were noticed. Such actions were less occurred in SSM. The research reached several recommendations to develop a proposed design for the gardens at both hospitals. The recommendations were based on the international standards and environment for such places.


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