Document Type : Articles


1 Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Agriculture in Diyala Governorate

2 Collage of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


The cultivation of vegetable crops the protected houses is one of the important foundations in increasing productivity due to the control of the environmental conditions of the farm. A random sample of cucumber crop producers was relied upon, represented by (60) products, to achieve the research objectives of studying economic efficiency and its components (technical and allocative). and estimate of the amount of surplus and deficit of economic resources used in the production process for the 2021 production season. The results of the efficiency analysis show that the average technical efficiency in light of the stability and change of scale returns (89%, 97%) respectively, while the average scale efficiency amounted to (92%) and the value of the average scale efficiency shows that the sample farmers can increase their production by (8%) by using the same amount of productive resources. The average economic, technical and allocative efficiency reached (80%, 97%, 82%) respectively. The average economic efficiency shows that cucumber farmers can reduce production costs by (20%) and achieve the same level of production. The amount of surplus and deficit of the economic resources involved in the production process was estimated, and it was found that some variables achieved a deficit in use and others achieved a surplus in their use of resources, This is due to the misuse of resources by some producers. The research recommended educating farmers about the optimal quantities that should be used optimally through the guidance courses provided by the Guidance Center, providing government support for production requirements and reducing their prices, and supporting the selling prices of the crop.


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