Document Type : Articles


Horticulture and Landscape Department, Collage of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


With increased demand for traditional agricultural practices, they are increasingly insufficient. The use of nano-fertilizers is essential when aimed to increase plant production. In 2003, nanotechnology started to be used in agriculture and food industry. This led to change in agricultural production systems. Nanotechnology has brought fundamental changes in agriculture. This included new tools have been used to detect plant pests and treat them quickly. Improve plant ability to absorb nutrients and fertilizers was also involved. Agriculture faced many challenges, such as climate change, increase consumption of agricultural products, and reduced cultivated areas. This required promotions in agricultural development to achieve economic and agricultural stability. Hence, the importance of using nanotechnology has emerged. This technology increases the possibility of finding solutions and treatments for many agricultural problems. In addition, dealing with main challenges in agriculture, such as low productivity of cultivated area and large uncultivated land. The loss of fertilizers, pesticides, and plant products are also considered. Such problems can all be faced through several applications, including nano-fertilizer technology. The technology can achieve remarkable addressing in agricultural problems such as reducing lack of nutrients. Facilitate plant response to nano-fertilizers through rapid synthesis during cellular metabolism. This improves agricultural aspect and positively influences community service and, consequently, environmental development.


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