Correlation Coefficient and Path Analysis of yield and its components for seven cowpea genotypes (Vigna unguiculata L.) and its F1 hybrids

Mohammad T. Mohammad; Hakim H. Rashid

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 1-12

  The present investigation was carried out in the experimental field of Technical College of Agriculture, University of Halabja, in 2022 summer season to determine correlation coefficient and path analysis results for yield and its components in cowpea. Twenty-eight genotypes of cowpea used in the Completely ...  Read More

Colorimetric film sensor for monitoring rancidity reaction of intermediate-moisture (Cake)

Omer A. Abdalla; Mohammed W. Saeed

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 13-25

  Colorimetric films sensor based on wheat gliadin with natural dyes (including anthocyanin, chlorophyll, and beta carotene), glucose oxidase, alpha amylase /starch / were created and for real-time monitoring cake formula rancidity reaction is described in this study. The addition Glucose oxidase enzyme ...  Read More

Inhibitory Susceptibility of Synthetic Selenium Nanoparticles and some Conjugate Nutritional Compounds in Inhibition of some Bacterial Isolates Causing Food Poisoning

Saif Imad Abd-AlAziz; karkaz M. Thalij; Mohamed Gh. Zakari

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 26-34

  The research aimed to prepare the nanoparticles of zinc, vitamin D3 and cysteine with selenium nanoparticles (Se-NPs), and to determine the effect of each of them in inhibiting both the isolated Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from food by estimating the minimum inhibitory concentration ...  Read More

Genetic Polymorphisms of SCD1 gene and its relationship with some reproductive traits in Holstein cows in Iraq

Thaaer Abdullah Khaleel; Dhafer S. Abdullah; Hadeel A. Omear

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 35-42

   The research was conducted at the Khalis cows station  in Al-Khalis district - Diyala Governorate and the central laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture - University of Tikrit for the period from 13/12/2020 to 1/2/2022, a sample of 63 Holstein cows, with the aim of extracting the genetic ...  Read More

Chemical composition, radical scavenging, rheological and sensory properties of local Soft cheese (Paneeri Salik) supplemented with some natural anti-oxidant extracts

Dastan Sdiq Ali; Dunia Salman Khalaf

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 43-57

  The aim of this research is to study the effect of herbs extracts (Mint, Dill, Tarragon and the combination of these herbs) supplementation on the chemical composition, antioxidant activities, rheological and sensory properties of local soft cheese (Paneeri Salik) during three weeks of storage. The addition ...  Read More

Genetic analysis of fatty acids, oil and protein percent in maize (zea mays l.) Using partial diallel mating design

Suaad Muhammad Sheikh Abdulla; Dana Azad Abulkhaleq; Sherwan Ismail Towfiq

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 58-73

  In this study, the hybridizations were done using partial diallel mating design in spring season 2020 at Qlyasan location to complete the procedure of this experiment, which conducted during spring season 2021 at two different locations in Sulaimani Governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka Using randomized ...  Read More

The effect of replacing wheat flour with sesame and flax flour on the chemical composition, fatty acids, and antioxidant properties of biscuits

Hudhayfa I. Al-Alwani; Noor J. Fadhil; Saad I. Yousif

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 74-84

  The purpose of this investigation was to learn more about the chemical make-up of various grains and to analyze the chemical compositions, fatty acids, and antioxidant content of biscuits made with varying amounts of sesame and flax flour (0, 10, 20, and 25% replacement ratios). The chemical composition ...  Read More

Determination of the best model for predicting soil available phosphorus based on soil organic carbon

Sanaa Hama Gharib Faraj; Kamal Hama Karim; Razan Omar Ali

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 85-94

  There are several methods for determining the determination of soil available phosphorous. These methods require many chemicals and different devices, and determining soil available phosphorous in the laboratory is difficult, time-consuming, and costly. Consequently, pedotransfer functions more suitable ...  Read More

Bioaccumulation of Some Heavy Metals in the Muscle of Cyprinus carpio from Three Locations in Dukan Lake

Chia Omer Othman; Zaid Khalaf Khidhir; Eman Dhahir Arif

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 95-106

  Because of their toxicity, when present in concentrations beyond the allowable limit, heavy metals in our environment have been a source of great concern. These metals are released into the environment in a variety of ways that favor consumption, such as through industrial processes. Fish are the most ...  Read More

Effect of neurotransmitters in drinking water and some medicinal flowers in broiler diet additives on body performances and some immune parameters

Nawal K. Shokry; Mahbuba A. Mustafa

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 107-116

  This study was conducted to under seek the incidence of some neurotransmitters in drinking water and native medicinal flowers (Alecea Kurdica – Gule Hero and Chamomile) flowers as diet additives on body growth and immune of broiler. 720 one day unsexed hatched chicks will distributed into 12 treatments, ...  Read More

Determining the optimal size of production and measuring the specialized efficiency in grape production farms in Diyala Governorate - Iraq for the season 2021

Abbas_Abd Altamimi; Usraa T. Bakr

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 117-135

  Abstract:In this research, an economic analysis it conducted for a sample of orchards producing grapes in Diyala Governorate - Iraq for the production season 2020-2021. Through a questionnaire conducted with (141) producers, the multivariate production function was estimated. Including quantities of ...  Read More

Physiological effects of manganese nanoparticles on Alloxan-Induced Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Male Rats

Ahmed S. Mohiuddin; Mohammed J. Mohammed; Mohammed A. Jassim

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 136-146

  This study was conducted on the creation of the nanopolitan manganese particles and the study of the physiological effect of the nanopolitan magnes.The results or indicators of blood sugar showed the confirmation of low levels of sugar in the group of diabetes treatment by giving oral throughout the ...  Read More

Evaluation of genetic diversity of figs (Ficus carica L.) in Sulaymaniyah governorate using morphological, pomological and ISSR molecular marker

Faraidun Ahmad; Ibrahim M. Noori

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 147-175

  The fig (Ficus carica L.) is a fruit tree that is important in the Mediterranean region, and thus genetic improvement has become an important field of research for better crops, with information on this species, particularly its genetic variability correlated to morphological traits of figs, for this ...  Read More

Genetic Distance for Genotype Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) using RAPD-PCR Technology.

Omer Alsharqi; Ahmed. H. Anees

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 176-191

  Abstract. The study targets to know the genetic Distance of fifteen genotypes of six-row barley (Ibaa99 , Alhadar , Alkheer , Alwarkaa , Buraq , Amal , Shuaa , Rehan , Samir , Arevate , Acsad1811 , Acsad1816 , Acsad1818 , Acsad1827 , Acsad1840 ) Based on the RAPD technique using fifteen primers, The ...  Read More

economic and econometric study of the response of agricultural investment to economic shocks in Iraq for the period [2004q1-2020q4]

Najlaa Madlul; Hadeel F. Hameed; Tasnim S. Yaseen; Muhammad A. Sulaiman

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 192-207

  This manuscript aims to identify the relative importance of monetary and fiscal policies on the value of agricultural investment in Iraq, using Vector Error Correction Model [VECM], the impulse response function [IFC], and analysis of variance [VDCs] and applying it using quarterly data for the period ...  Read More

The DRIS methodology to determine the best balance of Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels on the yield of Chickpea plant (Cicer arietinum L.)

Yahya Abd Almunim Abd Sabri; Alwand Tahir Rashid Dizayee

Volume 23, Issue 4 , December 2023, Pages 208-221

  This experiment was conducted during the spring growing season of 2020 conducted in the field at the Grdarasha farm field of Agricultural Engineering College, Salahaddin University in Erbil, located in the south of Erbil city, Latitude: 36.11284 N, Longitude: 44.01247 E. The soil texture class was silty ...  Read More