A Review of Nano fertilization and its role on growth, yield and quality characteristics of fruit trees

Omar Almohammedi; Yasir Sekhi; Mukhalad Ismail

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 158-167

             Nanotechnology is one of the strategies that have the ability to achieve sustainable agriculture, and it is a promising opportunity in the field of sustainability and the provision of food security and fertilizers in general, important in terms ...  Read More

Impact of magnetically treated water on milk traits and blood biochemical changes of Awassi ewes during pre- and postpartum

Mahbuba Mustafa; Shayda Muhammed

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 1-11

  The objective of this study was to evaluate the benefit of magnetically treated water (MTW) using in Awassi ewe’s farm during pre- and post-partum on lactating and some blood biochemical traits determination. This experiment was carried out in a private sheep raising sector, from September to December ...  Read More

Usage of Essential Oils of Natural Herbs as Food Preservatives

Yaman Fadhil

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 67-74

  One of the most issues that face the food production industries is the manufacture of healthy food products without synthetic preservatives due to the fact that artificial antibacterial agents and chemical additives could have serious detrimental impacts on people's life quality. Essential oils (EOs) ...  Read More

Effect of plumage colour and housing systems on qualitative characteristics of two breeds of brown and black quail

Farhan Aljubory; Samawal ALTikrety

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 12-16

      This study was conducted in the poultry farm of the Department of Animal Production-College of Agriculture, Tikrit University from 21/10 to 23/12/2021.  The aimed to study the effect of plumage colour and housing systems on the egg specific characteristics of Japanese quail. A total ...  Read More

The incidence of adding Gingko biloba and Curcumin extracts in drinking water on Body growth, hematological and immune statues of New Zealand White rabbit

Mahbuba Mustafa; Sazan Hussein

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 17-24

  This study was performed to investigate the effect of adding ginkgo biloba (GB) and curcumin extracts in rabbit drinking water, as growth promoter, serum biochemistry, antioxidant enzyme activities and immunoglobin statues. A total of 40 New Zealand White rabbit (NZW) at 5 weeks of age assigned to 4 ...  Read More

Energy concentration and protein inclusion in diets for broilers: Effects on growth performance

Hisham Mandalawi

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 25-32

  We studied the effect of inclusion crude protein (CP) and energy concentration in the diet on growth performance, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) traits, and carcass weight in broilers from 0 to 42 d of age. The experimental design was completely randomized with six diets combined as a 2 x 3 factorial with ...  Read More

Effects of glycerol supplementation to Awassi lambs diet on performance and carcass quality characteristics

Omar Saleh; Mahfoodh Abdullah

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 33-43

  This experiment was conducted to explore the efficacy of glycerol on growth performance and carcass quality characteristics in Awassi lambs. Twelve Awassi lambs were used with an average body weight of 24.43 ±0.43 kg.  The animals were randomly assigned into three groups (4 lambs for each group ...  Read More

Impact Laying Times of Broiler Breeder Supplement with Aromatic Oils (Miarom) in drinking water on Hatchability, Maternal immunity and serum antioxidant and antioxidant Statues hatched chicks

Zhila Majeed; Nidhal Mustafa

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 44-50

  Adding aromatic oils (Miarom) in drinking water of broiler breeder was evaluated experimentally of its effect on hatchability percentage, immunity, Lipid profile, and biochemical traits at different laying times (10:00 AM and 02:00 PM). A total of 3600 eggs of broiler breeder (Ross-308) at age 60 weeks, ...  Read More

Impact of Spraying and Dipping Organic Acids on Hatching traits, Chick Quality, Immunity and eggshell bacterial count

Qais Omer; Nidhal Mustafa

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 51-58

  Organic Acids (BacterActive) spraying and dipping on hatching eggs were evaluated experimentally for their effect on embryonic mortality, hatchability, chick quality, immunity, and eggshell bacterial count. A total of 6300 hatching eggs of broiler breeder (Ross-308) at age 58 weeks, were collected and ...  Read More

Effect of adding Chromium-Methionine and Zinc-Methionine on production performance and some hormones in the blood of Awassi lambs

Mahmmoud Khalid; Aslam Alwan

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 59-66

    This study was carried out in the sheep field of the Department of Animal Production / College of Agriculture - Tikrit University for a period from 25/10/2021 to 2/1/2022 (70 days), preceded by a 14-day preliminary period to acclimatize the lamb to concentrated feed. In the sixteenth month, Awassi ...  Read More

Effects On Production Performance and Ileal Microflora of Broiler Chicks by Adding Various Levels of Coriander Seed (Coriandrum sativum L.) Powder to Ration

Muhammud Ali; Hurea Abdulrazaq

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 75-84

    The aim of the current study was to assess the impacts of adding various levels of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) on broiler production efficiency and ileal microflora. Five treatments, consisting of 90 ROSS (308) broiler chicks each, were created from a total of 450 broiler chicks that were ...  Read More

Electrical parameters of ohmically heated cow’s milk

Rayan Meshaan; Thamer Khalil

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 85-93

  Science and industry are very interested in alternative pasteurization and sterilizing methods, like the direct electrical effect. An experimental batch ohmic heating unit was built and manufactured for this study. Our goal is to design and build batch Ohmic heating equipment that ensures adequate pasteurization ...  Read More

A Comparison of some Anatomical properties of Suaeda Species (Amaranthaceae) in Anbar Governorate – Western Iraq

Sameer Alrawi; Naglaa AL-abide; Harith Buniya

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 94-102

       The current study aims to identify morphological and anatomical characteristics of the stems and leaves of some species of the genus Suaeda Belongs to (Amaranthaceae) grown in the western province of Anbar Governorate – Iraq. The period of collecting data started from 15-8-2020 ...  Read More

Response of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Organic Manure and Manganese Levels Applications in Two Different Soil Orders

Bakhan Qadir; Shuela Sheikh-Abdullah

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 103-111

        This study conducted to investigate the effect of organic manure and different levels of Mn on the wheat growth and yield at two different soil orders (Mollisols and Vertisol) in Sulaimani-Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Pot experiments was conducted during (November 12th, 2021 ...  Read More

Influence of substrate concentration on kinetic parameters of alkaline phosphatase enzyme

Mamoon Altaee; Rand Altaee

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 112-119

  A laboratory study was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Soil Science and Water Resources in Agriculture and Forestry College and in the Faculty of Environment laboratory with the aim of showing the effect of temperature on the activity and effectiveness of the phosphatase enzyme and the ...  Read More

Effect of some iron and zinc sources on the vegetative growth characteristics of lemon seedlings (Citrus lemon L.)

Abdulateef Ajboory; Ehsan Al-Douri

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 120-129

  The experiment was conducted in the lath house of Hawija Horticultural Station/ Horticulture Department/ Ministry of Agriculture, during the 2021 growing season on one-year-old of the lemon Transplants. (local species). This study conducted to compare the effect of some sources of iron and zinc and their ...  Read More

Effect of Plant Biostimulants on Growth, Yield and Some Mineral Composition of Broccoli Plants (Brassica oleracea var. Italica)

Hawar Halshoy; Ayub Mahmood; Ghwncha Tofiq

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 130-140

  By offering biostimulants as substitutes for conventional chemical fertilization, increasing consumer awareness has helped to raise issues related to food safety and the environment. Creating a suitable plan for the deployment of conventional chemical fertilization alternatives in agriculture. So, this ...  Read More

A novel approach for improving germination rate of Mucuna bracteata

Ghassan J. Z.; Ammar Saeed; Zakaria Wahab; Zakaria Wahab

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 141-157

  To ascertain the best possible method for deed treatment that would enable germination and seedling growth of Mucuna bracteata, the experiment was carried out at the experimental farm of Institute of sustainable Agro technology, University Malaysia Perlis, Padang Besar, Perlis, Malaysia. The design of ...  Read More

The level of knowledge of grape growers about the most important tree service and obtainer, in the Ishaqi district in Salah Al din Governorate

Hussein Janabi; Majed Ali

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 168-178

    The study aimed to determine the knowledge level of grape growers with the most important tree service operations and the outcome in Ishaqi sub-district | Salah al-Din governorate in general, and to determine the correlation between the knowledge level of grape growers and some independent variables, ...  Read More

Rural women's participation in the agricultural activities (plant and animal) In Al-Zawiya sub-district, Baiji district, Salah al-D in Governorate

Raafat Abdul Wahhab; Mohammed Mohammed; Khairullah Sabhan

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 178-188

  The Objectives of the study was to find out how rural women in Al-Zawiya sub-district / Baiji district participate in agricultural activities (plant and animal). The data was collected through a personal interview using a questionnaire form prepared for this purpose, which the first part included measuring ...  Read More

The Impact of the Exchange Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in the Iraqi Agricultural Sector for the Period 1990-2021

Ahmed Al-Ajrawi

Volume 23, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 189-201

    The main objective of the research is to measure the impact of the exchange rate on foreign direct investment in Iraq, and to achieve this, it has been relying on time series data for foreign direct investment, the exchange rate, gross domestic product, inflation rate, and money supply for the ...  Read More