Determination of some heavy metals and potassium bromate in pastries offered in local markets

Ghaeth Mohasin; Mohammed Mohammed; Shaimaa Mohammed

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 1-9

  This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Food Sciences - College of Agriculture - Tikrit University from November - 2020 until January - 2021 with the aim of estimating the extent of contamination of pastries offered in the market with heavy metals and estimating the concentration ...  Read More

Study of the mineral analysis of some gypsiferous soils in Salah al-Din and Najaf governorates using X-ray diffraction powder technique

Mahmood Al-Bayati; Basim Al-Obaydi

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 10-24

  Six soil pedons were selected, represented by the governorates of Salah al-Din and Najaf, distributed as three pedons for each governorate and located within a study path for each of them according to the geological formation, their physiographic location and the accompanying difference in sedimentation ...  Read More

Evaluation of the local isolate Streptomyces kanamyceticus strain Tikrit-5 in control of gray rot disease on eggplant caused by Botrytis cinerea

Abdullah Mahmoud; Abdullah Hassan

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 25-41

  The study was carried to know the effect of local strain, Streptomyces kanamyceticus on the growth and production of three varieties of eggplant plants and its control gray rot disease. The results showed that the S. kanamyceticus with the fungicide Prado in the presence of the pathogenic fungus B. cinerea ...  Read More

Carcass Characteristics and Meat quality assessments in Broiler Chickens subject to different Pre-Slaughter Restraining Methods

Fatima Noraldin; Azad Sabow

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 42-61

    This research aimed to determine how the pre-slaughter restraint method affected broiler chickens' bleeding efficiency, carcass characteristics, and physicochemical qualities. Before slaughter, 30 male Ross broiler chickens were randomly allocated to either shackling or cone restraint. The individual ...  Read More

Response of some winter Ornamental plants to Mycorrhizae colonization

Ahmed Asmaa; Noraldeen Sazar; Mustafa Sabiha

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 62-71

  The study aimed to investigate the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth, development, and heavy metals in soil which cultivated with three plant species: Petunia hybrida, Antirrhinum majus, and Dianthus chinensis. The study measured various parameters such as foliage fresh weight, root fresh ...  Read More

Response of three kinds of winter ornamental plants to mycorrhiza fungus

Sazar Noraldeen; Sabiha Mustafa; Asmaa Ahmed

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 62-71

  The study aimed to investigate the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation on the growth and development; of three plant species: Petunia hybrida, Antirrhinum majus, and Dianthus chinensis. as well as heavy metals in soil.  The study measured various parameters such as shoot fresh weight, root fresh ...  Read More

Effect of Bait and Light intensity of color traps of the population Ocnerogyla amanda Staudinger 1891 (LYMANTRIDAE: LEPIDOPTERA) Kane Kawai CHBUX

Nasih Ahmad; Faraidun Faraj

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 72-86

  This study was carried out in the village of Kane kawai chbux, located in the Sulamani governorate of Iraq in 2021. Two options were used to suppress population destiny: a bait trap and a light trap. The effect of color and light density on the attractiveness of adults of the moth Ocnerogyia amanda species ...  Read More

Effect of spraying with balanced nano fertilizer and boron on yield and chemical characteristics of two hybrids of cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.

Harith Abdulrahman; Amal Al-Jubouri

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 87-97

  This study was conducted during agricultural season 2021-2022 at the research station of Department of  Horticulture and Landscape/ College of Agriculture/ Tikrit University, to study the effect of foliar application of balanced nano-fertilizer and boron on two hybrids of cabbage Brassica oleracea ...  Read More

Usage of Essential Oils of Natural Herb as Food Preservatives

Yaman Fadhil

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 98-105

  One of the most issues that face the food production industries is the manufacture of healthy food products without synthetic preservatives due to the fact that artificial antibacterial agents and chemical additives could have serious detrimental impacts on people's life quality. Essential oils (EOs) ...  Read More

Age, Educational and Indicative Service Levels and Their Relationship to The level of Performance of Agricultural Extension Workers in Diyala governorate

Zeyad Naji; Majid Ali

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 106-115

  The research aimed to identify the level of performance of workers in agricultural extension in Diyala Governorate in general, as well as to identify the level of performance of workers in agricultural extension in the fields of extension work, namely (organization, planning, implementation, evaluation ...  Read More

Magnetic Field Exposure Effect on Water Properties and its Effect on Pumpkin(Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) and Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) Seedling Growth Performance

Ghassan Zaidan; Zakaria Wahab; Sadam Hassan

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 128-141

  This study aims to understand the effect of magnetic field on water properties and plants growth performance. Magnetic water is produced when water is passed through a magnetic field which alters the state of water macromolecules. The changes to physico-chemical properties of magnetized water affect ...  Read More

Co-inoculation effect of Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus megaterium with phosphorus on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growth in calcareous soil

Helen Dnkha; Omar Fattah

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 142-161

  Using microbial bio fertilizer has been widely used in recent years because it improves the plant growth and nutrients uptake  A plastic pot experiment was carried out under plastic house at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Bakrajo, from November 2021 to ...  Read More

Wastewater Irrigation and Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Vegetable Crops (Broccoli and Cauliflower)

Bayan Rahim

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 162-170

  The present study was conducted aiming to determine the effects of different irrigation water sources on some heavy metal uptake by winter crops (Cauliflower and Broccoli). This experiment was laid in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications, and three water irrigation sources ...  Read More

Addition of VêO® premium and Vitamin C to improve the productive and reproductive performance of local Iraqi ewes

Aymen Hameed; Yassen Abdul-Rahaman; Thafer Mohammed

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 171-181

  The present study was conducted to know the effect of VêO® premium and Vitamin C on productive and reproductive performance of local Iraqi ewes during the heat stress. The study was conducted in a private farm in Fallujah, Al-Anbar province during the period from 6/8/2019 to 8/2/2020. Twenty local ...  Read More

The role of silicon and salt stress in some vegetative traits and mineral content of mint plant Mentha piperita L.

Hassan Hassan; Anas Tawfeeq

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 182-189

  The experiment was carried out during agricultural season 2021, to study the effect of adding two types of silicon on the vegetative growth characteristics and mineral content of mint plant grown under the salt stress. The experiment was designed using Randomized Complete Block Design RCBD as a factorial ...  Read More

Effect of seed priming with gibberellic acid (GA3) on seed germination and seedling growth of some barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Abdullah Mohammed; Brian Baldwin

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 190-200

  An experiment was carried out in a laboratory of the Field Crops Department/College of Agriculture/Tikrit University to study the effect of treating the seeds of five barley varieties (Samir, Amil, Aksad, Alkhayr, Shueae) with four concentrations (0, 50, 100, and 150 mg L-1) of gibberellic acid on percentage ...  Read More

Determination of some heavy metals resides in different types of poultry production

Jinan Bazzaz; Nidhal Yakub; Ghazy Hammad

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 201-208

  The diet is the main rout of exposer of heavy metals; therefore the evaluation of these metals in human’s dietary intake is important. The study examined the concentration of some residues of heavy metals (copper, Arsenic and Lead ) in different poultry products such as chicken frozen thigh and breast ...  Read More

Serological and Molecular detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza of Layan Hens circulating in Diyala Governorate

Zainab Al-Talabani; Amer Al-Azzawi

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 209-223

  This study was done at the college of Veterinary Medicine, University of Diyala, from September 2021 to April 2022 to assess the seroprevalence and molecular detection of avian influenza virus (AIV) H5N8 in layer chickens. All samples came from 8 commercial flocks of layer chickens. Clinical sings included, ...  Read More

Evaluation of Land Degradation Status of Soil Series Using Geomatics Techniques

Ahmed Musrhed; Ayad Khalaf; Mohamed Ferhan; Ibrahim Ortas

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 224-234

  This study aimed assessing the land degradation status of some soil series of the North Tikrit Agricultural Project using remote sensing data. Part of the project area (246,555) km2 was selected based on variations in soil characteristics and agricultural crops. The study area is located between the ...  Read More

Separation and Identification of many Volatile oils from the Seeds and Peels of the Fruit of Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad Plant and Study its Antioxidant Effect

Safaa Bilal; Ayad Khorsheed

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 235-245

       A current study was included the separation and diagnosis of a number of volatile oils components from the seeds and the peels of a fruit from the Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis ( L. ) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed ...  Read More

Utilization the Aquatic Plants as a Filtration Media in A Closed Bio-Aquatic System to Improve Water Quality and Common carp Growth Performance

Wajnaa Saad Faisal; Sadam Mohamad Hassan; Najlaa Salah Madlul; Muhammad Aliyu Sulaiman; Abdalbast H. Fadel

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 246-256

  The experiment was conducted in the animal production field, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, for the period from 14/6/2022 to 14/8/2022 inside a semi-exposed building with three treatments. Each treatment included three replicates, and each replicate included (6) fish in a closed bio-aquatic ...  Read More

Evaluation of some Physical and Chemical Properties of Ground Water in Alshirqat District, Salaheddin province, Iraq

Marwa Mahmood Abed; Riadh Abas Abdul Jabar

Volume 23, Issue 2 , June 2023, Pages 257-270

  The study carried out to evaluate some of the physical and chemical properties of the ground water samples from west of Alshirqat district, Salaheddin province, IRAQ.  Six wells selected, sample of water collected every month for 6 months (October,2021 – March 2022). In each sample electric conductivity ...  Read More