A landscape study of tourist resort at Darbandikhan Lake according to the environmental and recreational needs

Niga Kalloshy; Ali Sharbazhery

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 1-12

  From October 10, 2021 to July 10, 2022 this research was done to design a tourist resort in Bani quein and the island at Darbandikhan Lake. The location is 230 km northeast of Baghdad. Globally it is at latitude 35o 06 '58' -35o 21 '07' N, and longitude 45o 40 '59' - 45o 44 '42' E. The information of ...  Read More

Effect of seedling age and NPK fertilizer on qualitative of Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var.gongylodes) grown under drip irrigation system

Ghassan J. Z; Wissam Ghalib

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 13-21

  Field experiment was conducted on Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes) ‘White Vienna cv.’  at the Experimental Station of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Salah al-Din, Iraq, during the winter season of 2021-2022 under drip irrigation ...  Read More

Peanut Yield and Oil Response to Application Methods and Zinc Concentration

Nazy A. Sarkees; Bilal I. Mohammed

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 22-31

  From the field of Khabat Technical Institute- Erbil Polytechnic University the research was conducted in the summer season of 2021. It shows peanut yield and oil response to application methods and zinc concentration. A factorial experimental design was applied in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) ...  Read More

Effect of different levels of pruning and nitrogen fertilizer on vegetative traits and chemical content of Rosmarinus officinalis L.

Widyan A. Abbas; Anas M. Tawfeeiq

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 32-40

  The experiment was performed in a greenhouse belonging to the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping gardening, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University for the period from November 2021 - May 2022. The experiment included two factors: the level of pruning (without pruning, moderate pruning, and ...  Read More

Genetic diversity assessment of some Iraqi Sheep breeds using micro satellite DNA markers

Awat N. Yousif; Shanaz M. Abdullah; Ahmed S. Shaker; Questan A. Ameen; Mohammed S. Mohammed; Shagul J. Muhammad; Shoxan M. Mustafa; Chro R. Aziz

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 41-50

  To assess genetic diversity among some Iraqi sheep breeds (Karadi, Jaff, and Awassi) randomly selected from three different locations of Sulaimani governorate (Jeshana, Halabjai Shahid and Kirkuk) respectively. A total of 150 blood samples were collected (50 animals per breed from both sexes) using 10 ...  Read More

Effect of organic matter on the adsorption and release of copper in some gypsiferous soils in Salah al-Din Governorate

Basim S. Obaid; Ragaa S. Salih; Yasir H. Ajrash

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 51-63

  A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the behavior of copper in gypsum soils of different organic sources through a number of experiences, and knowledge of copper adsorption and release conditions in it, and used three equations physicochemical Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin. It was adopted ...  Read More

Immunohistochemical developmental comparative study between thymus and spleen of Peacock(Pavo Cristatus)

Ahmed Abdulla Hussein

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 64-70

  In thymus, CD8 showed -ve expression at one week age.  At one and two months old, strongly +ve were observed  within the thymic parenchyma  and around Hassall's corpuscles. At seven months old,  CD8 showed variable degrees of +ve expression especially around blood vessels but less ...  Read More

Phylogenetic analysis among some species of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) using DNA sequencing moleculartechnique

Waran N. Abdulla Agha; Hero M. Muhammad; Kamaran M. Taha

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 71-78

  The phylogeny of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) has been studied by molecular technique for the first time in Kurdistan, this study comprises relationship between six species of Aphids collected from the leaves of different plants (Chrysanthemum, Oak, Almond, Pine, Asteraceae and Herbaceous) in many localities ...  Read More

Effect of Foods on Carotenoids in The Milk of Lactating Women in Salah al-Din Governorate

Entisar D. Mustafa; Naima Khalaf Hamza

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 79-86

  The study included a group of lactating women, their ages ranged betwee (20-30) from Salah Al-Din Governorate (city center) and its neighboring villages. The women were divided into two groups, group A, the volunteer lactating women before following the diet suggested by the researchers, and group B, ...  Read More

Using α -amylase enzyme with the seed pre-soaking to develop emergence and yield of triticale

Balsam Salih Muhammed; Labed Sharief Mohammed

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 87-93

  In order to investigate the efficiency of stimulating stored seeds of Triticale (X Triticosecale wittmack) by α -amylase enzyme, a field experiment was carried out using split plot arrangements according to a randomized complete block design in three replications. The storage period of seeds 6 months, ...  Read More

Separation and Identification of many Volatile oils from the Seeds and Peels of the Fruit of Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad Plant and Study its antioxidant Effect

Safaa M. Bilal; Ayad C. Khorsheed

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 94-102

  The current study was included the separation and identification of many volatile oil compounds from the seeds and peels of the fruit of Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed by using GLC technique The volatile ...  Read More

Response of field crop seeds to stimulators improve germination and growth

Muthanna A. Ali; Khaleel K. AL kikani; Ahmed M. AL-Mashhadany; Ahmed H. Al-Obaidi

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 103-111

  Seeds are the foundation of agricultural production. Whatever other production elements are present, they will not compensate for the poor production that occurs as a result of the use of inferior seeds, which surely leads to a drop in quantity and quality production. To restart the metabolic processes ...  Read More

Stability Analysis of Maize Genotypes According to Different Methods

Lawand F. Mohammed; Sherwan I. Towfiq; Dana A. Abdulkhaleq

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 112-126

  This study was carried out to evaluate the stability and adaptability of maize crop genotypes under four different environmental conditions, of eight inbred lines maize, and their crosses of (Zea mays L.). Four inbred lines (NADH 905, NADH102, NA106, Sara NA) were designated as lines, and four inbred ...  Read More

Concentration of Interferon - gamma in Respiratory Disease Infected Chickens Caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum

Noor Hussein Abdul-Rahman; Ghassan Hamdan Jameel; Talib Jawad Kadhim

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 127-133

  Mycoplasma gallisepticum is commonly involved in the polymicrobial "chronic respiratory disease" in broiler chickens, leading to increased condemnations in the processing plant. In layers and breeders, it is usually subclinical, but causes a reduction in the number of eggs laid per hen over the production ...  Read More

Determination of Heavy Metal Residue in Backyard Chicken at Various Region in Sulaymaniyah Province

Zaid Khidhir

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 133-145

  Due to the accompanying hazards of cytotoxicity and systemic diseases following intake of such metals, especially in areas with rising industrial and agricultural activity, exposure to heavy metals through chicken consumption is a crucial issue for human health. In Kurdistan Region-Iraq, poultry meat ...  Read More

Effect of Irrigation Water Quality and Wetting and Drying Cycles on the Release of Calcium and Magnesium in Two Soils of Different Textures

Reem A. A. Al-Qattan; Qahtan Al-Khafagi

Volume 23, Issue 3 , September 2023, Pages 147-157

  Abstract The study included two sites for two soils of different textures (Al-Mazara and Bashiqa) within Nineveh Governorate - Iraq. Soil samples were taken from the surface depth (30 cm) naturally by means of columns. The experiment was carried out by adding two types of water (river water and well ...  Read More