Document Type : Articles


1 Department of Field Crops, College of Agricultural Engineering Science, University of Salahaddin, Erbil, Iraq

2 Department of Plant Production, Khabat Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University, Iraq


From the field of Khabat Technical Institute- Erbil Polytechnic University the research was conducted in the summer season of 2021. It shows peanut yield and oil response to application methods and zinc concentration. A factorial experimental design was applied in a randomized complete block design (RBCD) with replications; the first factor represents seed treatment by four concentrations of Zinc (0, 1, 2 and 3 g Zn kg seed-1) and second factor was a foliar spray application by four concentrations of Zinc (0, 2000, 4000 and 6000 Zn mg liter-1). The combined effect of seed treatment by 1 g Zn kg seed-1 and 2000 mg liter-1 of zinc foliar spray application, produced the highest value of a number of pod plant-1, pod and seed yield (kg ha-1), oil and protein yield (kg ha-1), but the seed treatment by 2 g Zn kg seed-1 and 4000 mg liter-1 of zinc foliar application surpassed in weight of 100 pod (g), weight of 100 seed, oil and protein percentage while 1 g Zn kg seed-1 and 4000 mg liter-1 of zinc obtained the heights branches of plant-1. The interaction between seed treatment 1 g Zn kg seed-1 with 2000 mg liter-1 of zinc foliar application recorded the highest number of pod plant-1, seed yield (kg ha-1), oil percentage, oil and protein yield (kg ha-1). The interaction treatment 2 g Zn kg seed-1 with 4000 mg liter-1 of zinc recorded the highest value in weight of 100 pods (g), weight of 100 seed, pods yield (kg ha-1) and protein percentage
