Document Type : Articles


Department of Anatomy and Histology/college of Veterinary Medicine/University of Diyala/Iraq


In thymus, CD8 showed -ve expression at one week age.  At one and two months old, strongly +ve were observed  within the thymic parenchyma  and around Hassall's corpuscles. At seven months old,  CD8 showed variable degrees of +ve expression especially around blood vessels but less frequency than that of the younger ages due to  the retarded activity of the thymus gland. CD268 cells showed –ve expressions in cortex and medulla of thymus at the 1st week of age .  At  the age of one month old Peacock the CD268  exhibited high degree of +ve appearance for B cells.  At the age of two months old, CD268 displayed +ve expression in thymic cortex particularly around the septae. At age of seven months old Peacocks, the adult cellular population were formed the whole parenchyma of thymus gland therefore CD268 give slightly  +ve expression in the cortex mainly around the septae. While in the spleen, CD8 were  showed –ve expression at the age of one week Peacock poult .  At the age of (1,2 and 7)   months old   spleen have great role in the immunity. CD268  indicated –ve expressions at one week of age, because of  most of the cells at this age immatured.  Few numbers of B lymphocytes were  showing +ve expression  at one month of age .At age of two months old Peacock B cells showed  highly +ve expression.  At age of seven months old Peacocks showed +ve expression, and highly increase in the number of mature B lymphocytes compared with other previous younger ages
