Document Type : Articles


College of Education for Girls, University of Mosul, Iraq


The current study was included the separation and identification of many volatile oil compounds from the seeds and peels of the fruit of Iraqi Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad Plant , by using Clevenger apparatus for light compounds and the results were confirmed by using GLC technique The volatile compounds were identified which included the following : (α-pinene, Limonene, Camphene, Carvacrol, Camphor, P-cymene, Terpinene, Linalool, Menthol, Sabinen and phellanodrene), Terpinene was the highest compound concentration in the seeds and peels  (12.14,16.58)% respectively , whereas the lowest concentration in the seeds and peels was Menthol (0.08,0.14) %  respectively. The study was also included studying the antioxidant effect of volatile oil separated from the seeds and peels  at different concetrations and compared them with the ascorbic acid as a control sample, it was observed that the separated volatile oils from the peels were significantly superior of the free radical inhibition of DPPH (76.1,76.8) % at a concentration (300, 400)–1 respectively compared to the separated volatile oils from seeds
