Document Type : Articles


Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture Engineering Sciences, Sallahaddin University-Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq


This study was carried out in the village of Kane kawai chbux, located in the Sulamani governorate of Iraq in 2021. Two options were used to suppress population destiny: a bait trap and a light trap. The effect of color and light density on the attractiveness of adults of the moth Ocnerogyia amanda species of moth leaf worm of fig was studied, and the results showed that light traps yellow color were more effective than white color, Whereas the means monthly captured of adults/trap had (6.278,14.400,12.078), and white light traps means captured adults/trap monthly had ( 6.830,10.488,10.080)The results of the statistical analysis also showed significant differences between white light traps and yellow light intensity with (50, 100, and 150) watts of bulb power, and traps with a 50-watt bulb had less influence on adult capture. Molasses with water at 1:9 and molasses with vinegar at 1:3. The mean monthly captured adults/trap had (7.304, 3.018, and 0.041).Fermented palm sugar and water were superior in attracting a significant number of captures as compared to vinegar and molasses. Molasses and vinegar were the least attractive. The conclusion is that bait traps are an attraction and capture, and that collectors and attraction are aids to light traps that capture most adults active at night as the best method to reduce population density, these are the two selected methods and their relationship as integrated pest management methods.
