Document Type : Articles


Economic and Extension Sciences Department, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq


The research aimed to identify the level of performance of workers in agricultural extension in Diyala Governorate in general, as well as to identify the level of performance of workers in agricultural extension in the fields of extension work, namely (organization, planning, implementation, evaluation and  technology transfer) , As well as identifying the correlation between the performance of workers in agricultural extension the number of years of life, the levels of agricultural academic study, and the number of years of extension service .The research population included all agricultural extension workers in the Directorate of Agriculture and Agricultural People and the Extension Center if the number of its employees reached (460) employees .The research showed that the level of performance of agricultural employees in Diyala province is of the average category in general ,There was a contrast in the level of performance of employees in the fields extension work, as it was found that the level of performance of employees in the fields of organization, planning and implementation is average. In the fields of evaluation and technology transfer, performance was average and tended to decline ,The research showed that there is a significant correlation between the level of performance of the respondents, and the variable of the number of years  life, the number of years of agricultural academic study, and the number of years of extension service. The researcher recommends the importance of determining the actual extension work of agricultural workers, and holding training courses for agricultural cadres working in the field of agricultural extension to raise the level of their performance, especially in the fields of evaluation and technology transfer , and the need to pay attention to independent variables that have a moral correlation when preparing for job courses.
