Document Type : Articles


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Abstract. The study targets to know the genetic Distance of fifteen genotypes of six-row barley (Ibaa99 , Alhadar , Alkheer , Alwarkaa , Buraq , Amal , Shuaa , Rehan , Samir , Arevate , Acsad1811 , Acsad1816 , Acsad1818 , Acsad1827 , Acsad1840 ) Based on the RAPD technique using fifteen primers, The primers used produced 111 band, including 94 band for variant alleles, with a rate of 84.68%, The molecular weights of the prefixes ranged between 200-2000 bp,. The primer OPB-14 gave the highest number of variant sites, reaching 10 bands, and a high discriminatory ability of the primer, which amounted to 10.64, the highest percentage of variant alleles in the primers (OP B-14, OP C-08, OP D-03, OP D-18, and OP F-05) was (100%), and the primer OP C-16 gave the highest efficiency of 11.209. The genetic divergence values showed that the largest genetic divergence was between the Alkheer cultivar and the Acsad1840 genotype (49.00), while the least genetic divergence was between the two genotypes Acsad1818 and Acsad1827, with a value of (9.00), In addition, the results of the kinship tree analysis of the genotypes were divided into two main groups, where Ibaa99 were in the first main group, while the other genotypes were in the second main group. From the results obtained, it is possible to rely on genetically divergent structures in breeding programs by introducing them into crosses with other varieties to obtain good productive characteristics.


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