The Study of the Effect of Adding Different Levels of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae to the Fodder and Drinking Water on the Productive Performance and Intestine Bacteria of the Local Quail

Alice Louis Yousif; Ibrahim Said Kloor

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 1-8

  The current study was conducted in a poultry farm at the College of Agriculture and Forestry, Mosul University. It aims at studying the effect of adding different levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the fodder and drinking water on the production characteristics and the number of intestine bacteria ...  Read More

Influence of Liquid Methionine (methiogrow) in Drinking Water on Broiler Chicks Performance, Drinking Water, and Carcass Traits

Saman Abdulmajid Rashid; Questan Ali Ameen; Nidhal Abdulgani Mustafa; Sarwar Mohammed Sadq; Ahmed Sami Shaker

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 9-16

  The effect of a liquid methionine source provided through the drinking water on broiler chick performance, water intake, and carcass characteristics were studied using 264 unsexed broiler chicks (Ross 308, 7 days old). Methionine was added within three replicates in four treatments with 22 birds in each ...  Read More

Effect of foliar application of seaweed extract and cytokinin on growth and yield of cauliflower plant (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis )

Hadeel E. Youssif; Anas M. Tawfeeq

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 17-24

  The experiment was conducted at the research station of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape - College of Agriculture - Tikrit University for the 2019-2020 season, to study the effect of spraying organic fertilizer (seaweed extract) and growth regulator (cytokinin) on the growth and yield of ...  Read More

Examination of Some Nut Traits and Release From Dormancy Along With Germination Capacity in Some Bitter Almond Genotypes

Anwar Mohammed Raouf; Kocher Omer Salih; Aram Akram Mohammad

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 25-32

  This study was conducted at College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region-Iraq so as to investigate some nut traits in 10 bitter almond genotypes, capacity of them to release from dormancy and finally germination ability. Nut traits were calculated, and stratified ...  Read More

The Effects of Mature and Immature Chicken Manure in the Growth and Yield of Lettuce Plant (Lactuca sativa L.)

Goran S. Tofiq; Awara M. Hamakhan; Niyan J. Qadir; Ismael A. Hassan; Banaz R. Mohammed

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 33-39

  Different age of chicken manure may create a different effect on growth and production of plants. The reason for conducting the study was to determine the response of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) for mature chicken manure (old); its age was 6 months, and immature chicken manure; its age was less than ...  Read More

Isolation and Molecular Identification Of Lactobacillus Bacteria and Evaluation of Their Efficacy In Inhibiting The Pathogenic Fungus Pythium aphanidermatum

Abdullah Abdulkareem Hassan; Duha Faisal Ajaj

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 40-53

  Twenty-eight isolates of Lactobacillus were isolated from the rhizosphere of pea cultivated in the fields of five districts in Salah al-Din, which included: Tikrit, Al-Alam, Al-Sharqat, Samarra and Al-Baiji. The isolates identified according to molecular diagnosis using the analysis of the 16S rRNA sequences ...  Read More

Study on the Self-purification of Tanjaro River

Nzar Yaseen Hama Salih; Anwar Othman Mohammad; Fahmy Osman Mohammed

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 54-62

  Self-purification capacity of a river is a significant indicator for the river health and it is in great importance in polluted water. Tanjero River lies southwest of Sulaimani city formed by linking two streams (Qiliasan and Kani-Ban streams) along its path the sewage of wastewater is discharged into ...  Read More

The Perception Level of The Agricultural Employees to Sustainable Agricultural Development Concept: A Case Study In The Sulaimani Governorate

Sahab A. Yousif Al- ajeeli; Bekhal Qasim Mohammed

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 63-78

  The study aimed to determine the perception level of agricultural employees to the concept of Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Sulaimani Governorate, determining the level of their perception towards it’s fields of (Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Development) according to its dimensions ...  Read More

An Economic and Measurement Study of the Impact of Government Support and some other variables on Wheat Crop Production in Iraq for the Period (1992-2019)

Saud M. Saleh Joaani; Basim Fadhel Al-Douri

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 79-90

  The research came with the aim of analyzing the government support provided by the state to farmers for the purpose of increasing the production of the wheat crop and trying to reach the stage of self-sufficiency, and the time period (1992-2019) was adopted as the basis for this analysis. And as it turned ...  Read More

Estimation of the supply function of corn crop in Iraq for the period (1990-2019)

Nasaif jasim Mohammad

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 91-101

  The corn crop is one of the main crops in Iraq and is of great importance in terms of food and industry, as it is used in the manufacture of corn flakes, starch, oil, etc., and is used as animal feed. The research aimed to estimate the supply function of the maize crop in Iraq for the period (1990 - ...  Read More

Effect of the three densities of plant residues of sunflower Helianthus annuus L. and deferent spraying rates of Chevalier herbicide on weeds control in Wheat Triticum aestivum L.

Shaker Mahdi Saleh

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 102-111

  Field study applied during the 2019-2002 season in the fields of the college of Agriculture, University of Tikrit, in order to study the combined effect of residues of plants sunflower Helianthus annuus L. cultivated in different plant densities with using different spraying rates of chevaller herbicide ...  Read More

Effect of Adding Grape Seed Powder on The Chemical Composition and Rheological Properties of Local Wheat Flour

Ali Muhsin Hamdi; Sabeeha Hussein Ahmed

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 112-121

  The study aimed to replace 3 and 4% of wheat flour with grape seed powder to improve the nutritional value of wheat flour and improve the rheological properties of wheat flour paste. The results of the chemical composition of wheat flour and grape seed powder showed that the moisture content in wheat ...  Read More

Effect of Mixing Sunflower Oil with Butter Ghee in Physical Properties and Characteristics of the Product

Ahmed Muhsin Ali Ahmed Al-Janabi; Ahmed Al-Janabi

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 122-128

  Sunflower oil, butter ghee and their mixtures at two levels 10 and 20% were studied. The density of samples was estimated at 0.92, 0.91, 0.914 and 0.916 g/cm3 for treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. While the value of the smoking point was 240, 269, 271 and 278 ° C for treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4, ...  Read More

Study of the Healthy Effects of Different Fat Ratios Mixtures of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in Male Mice with Alloxan-Induced Diabetes

Ali. M. Atallah; Faryal. F. Hussein

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 129-138

  This study was conducted at the Iraqi Center for Cancer Research / Al-Mustansiriya University / Baghdad Governorate, for the period from November 2020 to January 2021, to know healthy effects of different fat ratios mixtures of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in male mice with type 2 diabetes induced by Aloxan at ...  Read More

Detection for Bacillus spp In Milk Powder Infant Formula

Mohammed Mosa Jafaar; Hussein odeh kready

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 139-145

  This study was included isolation and identification Bacillus spp bacteria from childrens milk powder under 2 years of age .45 milk sample were collected with 3 replicates per label. Dialak , Novolac AD, Similac 1, Nactalia 1, Celia2, Sunny baby1, Nursoy, Primalac1, Alpha1, Biomil plus, Dovelac1, Liptomil ...  Read More

A Comparative Study of the Physicochemical Properties and Sensory Evaluation of Commercial Orange Juice sold in the Sulaimani Market with Local Preparation of Orange Juice

Shilan Muhammad Abdulla; Azhin Baxtyar Mahmood; Sokar Kamal Mahmood; Sakar Kamal Hama Salh

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 146-158

  Orange juice is one of the most popular juices on the market. The bulk of accessible fruit drinks are synthetic and may include a number of toxic and poisonous substances those are harmful to customers' health. This study compares the physicochemical parameters, sugar content, organic acids, and sensory ...  Read More

Molecular Evaluating the Therapeutic Application of Anticancer L-glutaminase Enzyme on Genetic Mutation Induced Rats

Abdalkaleq K. Suleman; Gulbahar F. Karim; Saad Dhamin Oleiwi; Karkaz M. Thalij

Volume 21, Issue 4 , December 2021, Pages 159-167

  The Genomic DNA had been extracted from the liver tissue of the experimental rat groups following 15 weeks of treatment with partial purified L-glutaminase enzyme from E.coli in relation with ethylamine. The DNA samples of all the six treatment groups were amplified by PCR using three different primers ...  Read More