Document Type : Articles


Dept. of Foods Sciences/College of Agriculture and Forestry , Mousl University, Iraq


The study aimed to replace 3 and 4% of wheat flour with grape seed powder to improve the nutritional value of wheat flour and improve the rheological properties of wheat flour paste. The results of the chemical composition of wheat flour and grape seed powder showed that the moisture content in wheat was 11.5%, while its percentage in grape seed flour was 7.16%, ash 0.46% and 2.36%, protein 12.42% and 12.59%, fat 1.50 and 14.49%, fiber 1.43 and 42.98%, carbohydrates 72.69 and 20.42%, respectively. The Amylograph results showed that the gelatinization starting temperature of wheat flour dough replaced by grape seed flour for 3 and 4% reached 63.4 and 63.4 °C, respectively, with a significant difference from that of wheat flour dough. While the gel end temperature differed significantly for wheat flour dough that was replaced by 3and 4% of grape seed flour and reached 91 and 90.3°C, compared to wheat flour dough. The addition of grape seed powder showed a significant increase in the maximum viscosity to 1369 and 1433 °C compared with wheat flour dough. The addition of grape seed powder improved the farinograph qualities of wheat flour dough, for all 3 and 4% substitution ratios of grape seed powder, compared to wheat flour. Wheat flour replaced by 4% of grape seed powder, had a higher water absorption rate compared to wheat flour and reached 69.7%.


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