The Impact of Seeding Rate and Locations on Some Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus) Lines for Growth, Forage and Seed Yield in Sulaimani Region

Avan Abdullah; Jwan Rafaat

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 20-37

  This study was carried out at two locations in Sulaimani governorate, Qlyasan and Kanipanka, during the winter season of 2017-2018 to evaluate the response of four lines of Grass pea Lathyrus sativus (IF 003, IF 133, IF 102, IF 067) lines and four seeding rates (80kg/h, 100kg/h, 120kg/h, 140kg/h). The ...  Read More

Kinetics of copper release in some calcareous soils from Sulaimani governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan Region

Kamal Karim; Shuela Sheikh-Abdullah; Sairan Ali

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 1-9

  This study was conducted to estimate copper release kinetic in five calcareous soils includes (Sharazor, Qaradagh, Bazian, Mawat, and Surdash) at the Sulaimani governorate, Iraqi Kurdistan – region. The highest amount of Cu release during 48 hours was least in soil Qaradagh (0.75mg kg -1). While Soil ...  Read More

Design and Manufacture of Chisel Plow Shares and Their Effect on Some Field Performance Indicators

Basheer . Al Nuaimi; Saad Al Rijabo

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 10-19

  The field experiment was carried out in one of the agricultural fields in Nineveh Governorate for the agricultural season (2019) in the soil texture was a silty loam to study the performance of locally manufactured chisel plow shares at two levels of soil moisture and depths of tillage, the research ...  Read More

Impact of foliar application of humic acid and the measure time on growth and production of roselle Hibiscus sabdariffa L.

Media MohammedAmin; Sawsan Kanimarani

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 38-48

     The present study was accomplished to achieve the effect of Humic Acid (HA) spraying on the vegetative and calyxes yield characteristics of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. plants, during May ,22th to December, 31st, 2017, at (Girdarasha) open field, Department of Horticulture, Agricultural Engineering ...  Read More

Effect of Bay Leaf (Laurus nobilis L.) Powder and Oil Additives on Reproductive Performance and Some Hormones Indicators of Quails

Mahbuba Mustafa; Seerwan Abdullah

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 49-57

  The present trial was conducted to investigate the effect of using bay leaf powder and its oil on male semen characteristics, female reproductive traits, plasma hormonal alteration and hatchability of local quails. The results were summarized the uses of different levels of bay leaf (Laurel nobilis ...  Read More

Microbial and Physicochemical Quality of Kurdish Soft Cheese in Retail Markets in Erbil

Dina Ali; Khanzad Jarjees; Rozhhalat Jarjees

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 58-67

  Dairy products is considered the most complete foodstuff that provide human with most of their vital needs. The aim of this study to evaluate some chemical parameters and bacteriological quality of traditional white soft cheese. Our finding indicates that, the pH ranged between 5.72 to 7.25 with an average ...  Read More

The Effects of Fumonisin-B1 Determined Storage Wheat on Sensory and some Physiological Parameters in Rats

Manar Hammood; Ahmed AL-Nazzal

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 68-76

  This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Food Science / College of Agriculture/ University of Tikrit with the aim of isolating and diagnosing fungi contaminated by stored wheat grains and estimating the concentration of FB1 in it and determining its physiological effects in rats, ...  Read More

Effect of mixing ratio and heat treatment on chemical properties for some types of vegetable oil

Ahmed Muhsin Ali; Eithar Naji

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 77-87

  The experiment was conducted in the laboratories of the Department of Food Science - College of Agriculture - Tikrit University , the study aimed to measure the effect of the mixing ratio of vegetable oils and heat treatment on some of the chemical properties ,Three mixing ratios were identified. The ...  Read More

Effects of Pre- Frying Treatment on Decreasing Oil Absorption During Deep Fat Frying Process

Shokhan Hamarashid

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 88-93

  The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of pre-frying treatments; there are blanching in water, calcium chloride solution (Cacl2), citric acid solution (C6H8O7), and table salt/ sodium chloride solution. Then, immersion in starch solution 1% as hydrocolloid on the oil absorption and moisture ...  Read More

Determine the Effectiveness of Tofu-Cheese Medicinal Plants in the Lipid Profile of Laboratory Rats

Ali Al-Rawi; Ghazwan Salih

Volume 20, Issue 1 , March 2020, Pages 94-104

  The biochemical study was conducted in the laboratories of the University of Tikrit, Faculty of Agriculture for the period from 1/9/2019until 1/11/2019 The study included making soy cheese from the method of sour cheese and the cheese was fortified by adding dry ginger plant in concentrations of 0.2 ...  Read More