Biological and morphological aspects of spiny eel Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks and Solander, 1794) inhabiting Al-Tharthar canal / Samarra, Iraq

Nehad Wahab

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 1-8

      Biological aspects (size composition, length-weight relationship, condition factor, food habit and reproduction season), and morphological of Mastacembelus mastacembelus inhabiting Al-Tharthar canal studied during the period from April to September 2012. The growth pattern was negative ...  Read More

Effect of Adding Linseed Oil to The Diet on The Chemical Composition and Some Fatty Acids of Awassi Sheep Meat Chilled and Frozen

Nawfal Salih; Maysaloon Ibraheem

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 9-15

    This study was conducted at the experimental farm, Department of Animal Production , College of Agriculture , University of Tikrit for the period from 7/10/2018 to 15/12/2018.  Sixteen Awassi lambs with an average body weight of 27kg and aged about 6—7-months were used in this investigation. ...  Read More

Effect of Adding Biochar to Ration on Productive Performance and Some Carcass Characteristics of Iraqi Awassi Lambs

Mohammed Amean; Taher Shujaa

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 16-22

  This study was conducted at Department of Animal production farm College of Agriculture University of Tikrit from 6/12/2017 until 21/2/2018 (77days) . Sixteen Awassi lambs were used, aged 4-5 months and average weight 23.38±0.14 Kg . Lambs were divided in to four groups (four lambs at each group) according ...  Read More

Effect of Injecting Different Levels of Iron and Vitamin B12 on Milk Yield and Composition and Some Blood Characteristics of Awassi Ewes

Wissam Ali; Wassem Ahmad; Mohammed Abrahem

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 23-28

  This study was conducted in Baibokhet area (8Km north of Mosul city). The study was designed to determine the effect of subcutaneous injections of iron and vitamin B12 on milk production and  body weight and blood characteristics of Awassi ewes. using 15 Awassi ewes with an average weights 35.3±0.65 ...  Read More

Effect of Different Preservation Methods on some Physiochemical, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Doina as Fermented Cereal Dairy product

Shler Ahmad; Dunia Khalaf; Paiman Faraj

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 29-35

  This study was conducted to synthesis of Doina the local cereal- dairy fermented product in Kurdestan region-Iraq by mixed Doo (skimmed butter milk) with fain burgul at size (1000-1500μm) produced from Muselly durum wheat, and storage for six months on Sun drying or Oven drying or freezing methods, ...  Read More

Determination the level of some minerals in frozen peas (Pisum sativum L.)

Qusay Younis; Rafed Abdul razak; Farooq Kamel

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 36-40

  The Study focused many commercial brands of split peas (Pisum sativum L) imparted frozen Peas selected from Various origins available in the local markets of Tikrit city in Salah Addin province to be investigated , which are (Mersin peas , super fresh peas , Farm peas and Montana peas). They were researched ...  Read More

Evaluation of Relative Efficiency of Several Selection Indices for Prediction of Expected Genetic Advance in Bread Wheat Grain Yield (Triticum aestivum L)

safwan Al-Najjar; Kh Al-Zubaidy

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 41-49

  This experiment was conducted with fifteen genotypes of bread wheat introduced from ICARDA and two local varieties (Sham6 and Abu-Graib3), using three rows spacing (15, 25 and 35 cm). All genotypes were grown in 7 December, 2017 at Field Crops farm (inside Mosul University) under rain fed conditions ...  Read More

Urban Growth Mapping Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques, case study: Darbandikhan, Kurdistan Region, Iraq

Iraj Rahimi; Imran Ahmad; Salim Azeez

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 50-59

  Change in land use and land cover, as one of the most important factors of global-scaled environmental transformations, is considered as heart of the sustainable development debate. It is approved that humans are the main driving force that altering the land cover of the globe. In order to attain substantial ...  Read More

In vivo, Antibacterial Effect of Green and Black Tea Extracts on Infected Liver and Kidney of Rats

Israa Mohammed; Sawsan Abdulla Surchee

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 60-75

  The aim of this study is to investigate the antibacterial effect of hot and cold aqueous extracts of green and black tea separately against Klebsiella pneumoniae after infecting the burned rat's skin with it, also to screen the effect of both types of tea on rat's liver and kidney. Sixteen male rats ...  Read More

Evaluation Maize Genotypes for Yield and Yield Components and Constructing Selection Index

Mohammed Hussain; Hajer Askandar; Abbas Khether; Rezgar Saaed

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 76-82

  This experiment was conducted at farm of field crops department, collage of agriculture, Duhok University in spring 2018 to construct selection index. The results showed that all selection indices include the yield gave relative efficiency equal to those when used the yield only, the increase in efficiency ...  Read More

Growth Performance of Bay (Laurus nobilis L.) Under Different Amount, Period of Watering and NPK

Payman Pasha; Shilan Mirsar; Hardy Shekhany; Raghb Mohammad

Volume 19, Issue 4 , December 2019, Pages 83-92

  The aim of this work was to estimate the growth of Laurus nobilis seedlings under different levels, period of water and its interaction with NPK. Different amounts of water (150, 300 and 400) ml/polyethylene bag and irrigation intervals (two different scales are considered, once per week and once per ...  Read More