Sadam Mohamad Hassan; Muna Salah; Nuha Hameed Albassam; Najlaa Salah Mdloul; Ahmed R. Muhaimeed; Muhammad Aliyu Sulaiman
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 1-16
Changes to the physico-chemical conditions of treated water affect the biological traits of the aquatic organisms. There are water quality issues in rearing fish using a recirculating aquaculture system. Certain technologies for water treatment to improve its quality are highly energy intensive and expensive ...
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Changes to the physico-chemical conditions of treated water affect the biological traits of the aquatic organisms. There are water quality issues in rearing fish using a recirculating aquaculture system. Certain technologies for water treatment to improve its quality are highly energy intensive and expensive to use, thus implying high investment and operating costs. There is needed to look for novel method of water treatment which not only improves water quality and fish growth performance but is also cost effective and energy efficient to face climate change, lack of rain, and consequently fresh water scarcity, especially in the countries most affected in the Middle East. Any improvement by incorporating the mechanical and biological filter in one unit of an aquaponics intensive system is important in order to improve its efficiency and aquaculture yield. By incorporating a plant, namely: strawberry, peppermint, cucumber, and okra as a biological filtration to absorb the nutrient disintegrated additional to the green sponge layer and gravel as a mechanical filtration even for control treatment, aquaculture may become more sustainable in the future. After the acclimation interval, 24 tanks were stocked with 7 fish of an average initial weight of 15.74g. However, treatments were assigned to each container at random to make five treatments. First, this work evaluated the gravel fine mesh was used in the control treatment, strawberry, peppermint, cucumber, and okra, as a biofilter media in an aquaponics system. The results showed a significant effect on common carp average growth performance for cucumber and okra compared to the control treatment. However, a better growth performance for common carp culture in water-exposed cucumber and okra demonstrated significant improvement of FCR. Hence, improve in fish productivity in aquaponics system. There is a significant effect on cell counts and plasma enzyme and biochemistry conditions in strawberry, peppermint, cucumber, and okra biofilter medias. The liver cells and gills of the fishes grown in strawberry, peppermint, cucumber, and okra exhibited a normal sinusoid organisation with no indications of lesions or abnormalities of the hepatocytes. In briefly, the study elucidates the interests of using strawberry, peppermint, cucumber, and okra as a biofilter unit for aquaculture due to improved growth performance of common carp fish.
Marwan N Ramadhan; Asmaa Ahmed Abdulla; murtadha Abdladhem Alfaris
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 17-30
Afield experiments were carried out to study the effect of soil moisture and depth of plowing on the performance of the soil plowing machine to requirements draft force, soil disturbed, and Mean Weight Diameter (MWD). The machine was used with and without discs for three levels of soil moisture content ...
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Afield experiments were carried out to study the effect of soil moisture and depth of plowing on the performance of the soil plowing machine to requirements draft force, soil disturbed, and Mean Weight Diameter (MWD). The machine was used with and without discs for three levels of soil moisture content (SMC) (9, 18, and 28%), and three plowing depths (40, 50, and 60cm). The experiments were applied using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) of a factorial experiment (3 x 3 x 2) with three replications. The results showed a variation in the requirements of the draft force when the SMC changes, the values of draft force were 33.3, 32.64, and 31.66kN for the SMC of 9, 28, and 18%, respectively. Adding discs had a significant effect on the draft force it increased by 1.11kN. The draft force increased when the plowing depth was increased, the depth of 60cm gave the highest value of 35.92kN. The SMC of 18% was recorded as the largest disturbed area at 0.42m2 and the least MWD by 31.59mm, followed by the SMC of 28% and then 9%, it was the least disturbed area at 0.38 and 0.35m2, and MWD by 40.25 and 38.65mm respectively. The depth of 60cm is recorded as the largest disturbed area of 0.51m2, and MWD 30.59mm. The adding discs decreased the MWD by 6.9 mm compared to without discs.
Mahmood Saadoon Salih; Ammar Fakhri Khudair; Ziyad Khlaf Salih
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 31-43
The experiment was conducted at the Department of Horticulture and Landscape at the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, during fall of 2022. The aim was to investigate the effects of three factors on growth and flowering attributes of Senna surattensis. The first factor represented three drip ...
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The experiment was conducted at the Department of Horticulture and Landscape at the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, during fall of 2022. The aim was to investigate the effects of three factors on growth and flowering attributes of Senna surattensis. The first factor represented three drip irrigation methods full irrigation (FI) 100% on both sides, deficit irrigation (50%) on one side, and partial root-zone drying (PRD) with a 50% rate. The second factor involved adding hydrogel polymers SWT (soil water trap) at three levels 5 g plant-1, 10 g plant-1, well as without polymers. The third factor NPK fertilizer (12:12:36), applied 10 g plant-1 and without fertilizer. The randomized complete block design was used in this study. Data of number of vegetative branches, number of floral branches, plant height, weight of inflorescence, and total chlorophyll content were collected. The findings demonstrated that each treatments of (FI), 10 g plant-1 NPK fertilizer, and 10 g plant-1 polymer application had significant influences on the number of vegetative, and floral branches, plant height, inflorescence weight, and total chlorophyll content compared to rest of the treatments. The results also showed that interactions between (FI) and each of 10 g plant-1 polymer, 10 g plant-1 NPK were significant compared to others.
Ahmed D. K. Al -Asadi; Batool H. F. Al-Zubaidy
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 44-56
This study was conducted at the College of Agriculture and Marshlands, Thi Qar University during the growing season of 2021 to study the effect of sodium chloride and fulvic acid and their interactions on some antioxidant enzymes of the leaves of date palm offshoots, a Nabayti cultivar, resulting from ...
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This study was conducted at the College of Agriculture and Marshlands, Thi Qar University during the growing season of 2021 to study the effect of sodium chloride and fulvic acid and their interactions on some antioxidant enzymes of the leaves of date palm offshoots, a Nabayti cultivar, resulting from tissue culture. The study was implemented as a factorial experiment according to a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with two factors, the first is sodium chloride at four concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150) mM, and the second is fulvic acid at three concentrations (0, 2.5 and 5) g L-1 with three replicates for each treatment. The results showed that the fulvic acid treatment at a concentration of (5 g L-1) achieved the highest averages of activity of peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes (10.738, 26.357 and 25.681) units g-1 min-1 respectively, compared to the control treatment. The sodium chloride treatment at a concentration of (150 mM) achieved the highest averages of activity of peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes (13,429 and 26,556) units g-1 min-1 respectively, while the concentration (10 mM) achieved the highest average of activity of glutathione peroxidase enzyme (26,277 units g-1 min-1) compared to the control treatment. The interaction treatment between (sodium chloride at a concentration of (150 mM) and fulvic acid at a concentration of (5 g L-1) achieved the highest averages of activity of peroxidase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase enzymes (14,580 and 28,267 and 27,623) units g-1 min-1 respectively, compared to the control treatment.
Awf A.Ahmed Al-jbory; Khalaf A. Mohammed; Rand S. Mahmood; Elsayied E. Wagih
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 57-68
The study aimed at evaluating the efficiency of Bacillus subtilis bacterium, Ganoderma lucidum fungus, and Spirulina platansis alga extract on two varieties (Barcelona and a local variety) of Broad bean plants in an attempt to reduce the negative impact of yellow mosaic virus on broud bean (BYMV) through ...
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The study aimed at evaluating the efficiency of Bacillus subtilis bacterium, Ganoderma lucidum fungus, and Spirulina platansis alga extract on two varieties (Barcelona and a local variety) of Broad bean plants in an attempt to reduce the negative impact of yellow mosaic virus on broud bean (BYMV) through stimulating plant systemic resistance. The results obtained showed significant effects of the biocontrol agents investigated in reducing the severity of infection and increasing growth parameters of the treated plants in both individual and combinational treatments. The triple combinational treatment with Barcelona variety achieved a significant difference in reducing the severity of infection by 16.17% as compared with that of the corresponding treatment with the local variety. Additionally, a significant increase in growth parameters including, plant height, leaf area, chlorophyll ratio, and fruit setting ratio of 42.33 cm, 44.77 cm2, 55.56 SPAD-502 meter readings, and 22.56%, respectively, was observed.
Hudhaifa AL-Hamandi; Yasir Hmood AL Janabi; Ahmed Maath Ahmed; Mijbil Mohammad Aljumaily; Mohammed Ali Al-Obaidi
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 69-87
The application of biochar has aroused great interest. Still, our understanding of the behavior of biochar with soil properties and its relationship with potassium forms on soil health in gypsum soils is limited. Biochar is a carbon-rich product that is used as a means to improve soil properties. Twelve ...
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The application of biochar has aroused great interest. Still, our understanding of the behavior of biochar with soil properties and its relationship with potassium forms on soil health in gypsum soils is limited. Biochar is a carbon-rich product that is used as a means to improve soil properties. Twelve soil samples have been collected from some gypsiferous soils in Iraq to determine the different forms of potassium and their relation with clay mineralogy and other soil properties. Collect soil samples were put in small plastic pots and adding biochar at a rate of 5 gm. Kg-1 for each soil to evaluate the effect of biochar on potassium forms. The X-ray diffraction showed that smectite was the dominant mineral in the studied soils followed by Illite, Kaolinite, Palygoriskite and Chlorite clay fractions. Results showed that biochar application improved all potassium forms and soil chemical characteristics. Biochar addition increased all potassium forms, from (0.011-0.041) to (0.031-0.075) (Cmolec Kg-1), from (0.05-0.19) to (0.08-0.22) (Cmolec Kg-1) and from (0.15-0. 41) to (0.25-0.61) (Cmolec Kg-1) for soluble, exchangeable and non-exchangeable potassium before and after adding biochar respectively. Whereas increased soil cation exchange capacity from (4.8-11) to (9.8-18) Cmolckg-1 and organic matter from (3.5-13) to (7.9-19) gm. Kg-1. It was found that the correlation coefficient between potassium forms for all soils after adding biochar was high and positive except for the pH.
Noor Assem Farhan; Ahmed Hussein
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 88-100
The study aimed to describe the histological features of Pancreas and Duodenum in Common Moorhen (Galinula choropus), Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and common Budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus). Compare histological parameters of Pancreas and Duodenum among these birds. In the current study, Histochemistry of Pancreas ...
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The study aimed to describe the histological features of Pancreas and Duodenum in Common Moorhen (Galinula choropus), Barn Owl (Tyto alba) and common Budgie (Melopsittacus undulatus). Compare histological parameters of Pancreas and Duodenum among these birds. In the current study, Histochemistry of Pancreas showed that the use of Masson trichrome staining in Owl’s pancreas shows presence of collagen fibers in the septa between lobes and also within the capsule surrounded the organ. while this stain shows positive reaction only in capsule in Moorhen and Budgie bird pancreas. Owl bird and budgerigar bird pancreas show positive reaction to Alcian blue stain. Alcian blue –PAS mixture in Owl pancreas shows the presence of mucin around the interlober ducts and in the exocrine portions. Moorhen bird pancreas has more mucin in the interlober ducts and exocrine portion than that of Owl’s pancreas. Histochemistry of the duodenum by the use of Masson Trichrom staining in Budgie bird showed the presence of collagen fibers in the serosa and the core of the villi and in the submucosa, moorhen bird duodenum shows the presence of collagen fibers in submucosa as well as in serosa and within muscularis layer. While Alcian blue in Budgie bird show that presence of acidic sulphated mucin within submucosa and muscularis and serosa. Alcian blue –PAS mixture stain showed the duodenum of the three birds expresses the goblet cells positively reacted to this stain due to the presence of acid mucine within.
Ali MA Omar; Khabat H AL-jabbari
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 101-111
The success of propagation by cutting depends on stimulating root development. Therefore, this study's objective was to determine the effects of three natural substances (Turmeric, Cinnamon, and Licorice in powder form and control) with wounding the cuttings from the basal of the cutting at two ...
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The success of propagation by cutting depends on stimulating root development. Therefore, this study's objective was to determine the effects of three natural substances (Turmeric, Cinnamon, and Licorice in powder form and control) with wounding the cuttings from the basal of the cutting at two different levels of 1 and 2 cm on the vegetative and root properties of” Rizhawi” fig cuttings. The results showed that using turmeric and cinnamon with 1 or 2 cm basal wounding was better than the control. Generally, they recorded the highest root and vegetative characteristics than the other treatments. For the wounding impact, the 2cm basal wounding significantly enhanced root and vegetative characteristics compared to the 1 cm basal wounding. Cuttings treated with turmeric and 2cm basal wounding recorded the significantly highest results in both vegetative characteristics such as (shoot number, leaves number, shoot length, shoot diameter, leaf area, wet vegetative weight, and dry vegetative weight of fig cuttings) and root characteristics such as (root number, root length, root diameter, wet root weight, and dry root weight of fig cuttings) compared to the control. Therefore, turmeric can be advised, followed by cinnamon, and then licorice following organic farm regulations.
Mohammed D.Y. El-Jubouri; Mohammed Al-Dharob; Saadi Sattar Shahadha; Saddam H Cheyed
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 112-121
In light of the water scarcity for most Iraqi agricultural areas, especially after the decline in the water level of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to nearly a third. Solutions become necessary to improve water-crop productivity and achieve the sustainable cultivation of strategic crops through using ...
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In light of the water scarcity for most Iraqi agricultural areas, especially after the decline in the water level of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to nearly a third. Solutions become necessary to improve water-crop productivity and achieve the sustainable cultivation of strategic crops through using soil amendments, which reduces the soil water loss. Therefore, this research was conducted at, Al-Raeeid Research Station, Baghdad, Iraq, to study the effect of adding compost fertilizer (7500 kg ha-¹) and perlite (250 kg ha-¹) to wheat and barley crops that were irrigated with two irrigation levels (when exhausting 30% and 50% of the available soil water). The results showed that wheat growth and productivity decreased with increasing water stress of 50%, while opposite results were obtained from the barley crop. The wheat crop showed more sensitivity to the 50% level, but this level did not appear stressful for the barley crop. Also, adding compost and perlite improved wheat growth and yield indicators, which showed a greater response to compost, while barley responded to perlite more than to compost. This study concluded that the combination of compost and irrigation level of 30% presented the highest water-wheat productivity. In comparison, the combination of perlite and irrigation level of 50% presented the highest water-barley productivity.
Nosheen Amjad; Ali Imran; Muhammad Sadiq Naseer; Fatima Tariq; Muhammad Afzaal; Kinza Fatima; Aminjon Kalandarov; Fakhar Islam
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 132-152
High-pressure-based technologies have emerged as promising alternatives for transforming the dairy industry with cleaner label solutions compared to traditional processing methods. The review explores their efficacy in pathogen inactivation, shelf life extension, and physicochemical quality improvement ...
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High-pressure-based technologies have emerged as promising alternatives for transforming the dairy industry with cleaner label solutions compared to traditional processing methods. The review explores their efficacy in pathogen inactivation, shelf life extension, and physicochemical quality improvement of dairy products, highlighting their potential for producing safer and longer-lasting items without preservatives. The advantages of High-Pressure Processing (HPP), Ultra High-Pressure Homogenization (UHPH), and High-Pressure Homogenization (HPH) treatments in enhancing milk stability, texture, and nutrition are discussed, offering opportunities for healthier and higher-quality dairy products. The review also addresses their impact on cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, including microbiological safety, proteolysis, and sensory attributes. Challenges and potential solutions for implementing these technologies in industrial dairy operations are considered. Overall, high-pressure-based technologies demonstrate significant potential for revolutionizing the dairy industry and meeting the demands of health-conscious consumers while promoting a more sustainable food industry. This review aims to explore the application of high-pressure technologies with a clean label method in the dairy manufacturing. By leveraging pressure treatments, the dairy production can manufacture natural, very much nutritious foods with minimal requirements, aligning with consumer preferences for clean-labeled foods with zero imitated chemicals.
Ahmed Nazar Al-Nasseri; Muna Khalid Al-samrai; Shahd Tariq Khalaf; Tariq Khalaf Aljumaily
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 153-162
This study was conducted in the facilities of the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, and its purpose was to analyze the effect of environmental enrichment strategies on production performance, behavior, and air quality in broiler houses. The study included 180 Ross 308 chicks in ...
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This study was conducted in the facilities of the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, and its purpose was to analyze the effect of environmental enrichment strategies on production performance, behavior, and air quality in broiler houses. The study included 180 Ross 308 chicks in four treatment groups: standard commercial rearing method, plastic dark boxes, wicker baskets, and straw boxes. This work investigated how broiler growth performance, such as body weight, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio, was affected. It observed that environmental stimulation had a minimal effect on the productive performance of broilers. With regard to the behavior of birds, it was observed that the use of straw boxes and wicker baskets encouraged various natural behaviors, such as dust bathing and feather cleaning, and reduced other forms of stress, such as feather pecking. Dark plastic boxes were associated with excessive behaviors related to stress and anxiety such as standing, walking, jumping, and feather pecking. Therefore, these results emphasize the need to provide an appropriate type of shelter that better meets the needs of birds , that closely resembles their environment. This study also did not record any differences in air conditions for the parameters with birds subjected to different enrichment treatments; this spread shows that environmental enrichment should be incorporated into broiler houses without compromising the air quality that affects broilers. This result is important because previous studies have shown that poor air quality is a cause of respiratory diseases, reduced worker efficiency, and compromises the welfare of broilers.
Izza Fatima; Yuosra Amer Ali; Adeela Yasmin; Hassnain Akhtar; Saira Rehman; Arisha Ahmed; Anamika Chauhan; Mohd Asif Shah
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 163-177
Fruit peel is a valuable source of antioxidants, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Pomegranate, which belongs to the Punicaceae family and is one of the oldest edible plants, contains bioactive compounds in its peels. Pomegranate peel is particularly rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. ...
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Fruit peel is a valuable source of antioxidants, such as polyphenols, flavonoids, and carotenoids. Pomegranate, which belongs to the Punicaceae family and is one of the oldest edible plants, contains bioactive compounds in its peels. Pomegranate peel is particularly rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. Various methods can be employed to extract antioxidants from fruit peels, including solvent extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, and ultrasound-assisted extraction. Among these methods, solvent extraction is the most commonly used method. In recent years, edible coatings have been utilized to extend the shelf life of cheeses. Flavonoids offer numerous medicinal benefits including anticancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. In addition, they have been found to have neuroprotective and cardioprotective effects. The objective of this study was to extract flavonoids from pomegranate peels using suitable extraction methods. Furthermore, we developed and applied an antimicrobial coating made up of pomegranate peel onto freshly prepared cheddar cheese and explored the Physicochemical and Sensory Properties and Shelf Life of Antimicrobial Coated Cheese during Storage. This research involved the production of cheese containing varying concentrations of pomegranate peel-derived flavonoids. The antimicrobial activity of these cheese samples was assessed through microbiological analysis, including enumeration of common spoilage and pathogenic bacteria.
Noura Masseh Ellya Kka; Kharman Khalid Qader; Sherwan Jalil Ahmed; Arshad Abdulkhalq Yaseen
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 178-192
As agriculture in Iraq faces the challenges of climate change, particularly given the preference for consuming local vegetables, determining the drought tolerance of indigenous varieties and developing strategies to mitigate its impact have become a top research priority. The aim of this study was to ...
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As agriculture in Iraq faces the challenges of climate change, particularly given the preference for consuming local vegetables, determining the drought tolerance of indigenous varieties and developing strategies to mitigate its impact have become a top research priority. The aim of this study was to mitigate the impact of water potential during the germination stage of a local variety of onion (Allium cepa L. var. local white) that is cultivated and consumed widely in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Ascorbic acid (Asc) with two concentrations (1.5 and 2.5 mM) as a priming compound and polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG8000) with concentrations (50 and 100 g/L) as a water potential inducer were implemented for different durations (12 and 24 h). Onion seed germination and growth characteristics were recorded. Germination energy at four days (GE4) and germination capacity (GC) were improved when seeds were treated with 1.5 mM Asc for 12 hours. The highest germination rate index (GRI) of 9% and the shortest mean germination time (MGT) were recorded when seeds were treated with 3 mM Asc, while direct sowing had the lowest GRI of 6.5%. The values of radicle and hypocotyl growth were recorded the highest when seeds were primed with 1.5 mM Asc for 12h and exposed to 50 g/L PEG8000. These results indicate the important role of Asc priming under moderate water potential in improving onion seedling growth and resilience. We recommend that farmers in Kurdistan and Iraq adopt Asc priming techniques to enhance drought resistance in onion crops. Future research should focus on optimising Asc concentrations and exploring additional stress-mitigation strategies for other key crops in the region.
Entissar Mansour Abdul Rasool; Man Samir Balola
Volume 25, Issue 1 , March 2025, Pages 193-202
Boswellia serrata (B.serrata) is commonly defined as a resin, widely used because of the healing properties of inflammations and other diseases due to its powerful antioxidant action. This study investigates the effect of B.serrata on reproductive system and metabolic hormones in adult male rats. Four ...
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Boswellia serrata (B.serrata) is commonly defined as a resin, widely used because of the healing properties of inflammations and other diseases due to its powerful antioxidant action. This study investigates the effect of B.serrata on reproductive system and metabolic hormones in adult male rats. Four groups of adult male rats (10 rats each) were subjected to the trail. Group 1 (control ) rats were fed on normal diet (ND), group (2) rats were fed on high fat diet (HFD), group (3) rats were fed ND and aqueous B.serrata extract (1000 mg/kg body weight/day), and group (4) rats fed on HFD and aqueous B.serrata extract at the same dose respectively for the duration of 60 days. The results indicated that feeding on HFD resulted in hyperlipidemia, significant (p≤0.05) reduced level of testosterone, insulin, TSH and the antioxidant enzymes (GSH, SOD,CAT), significant (p≤0.05) elevated levels of lipid profile, oxidative markers (MDA) and cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β) concentration. Negative effects on spermatogenesis was also observed, confirmed by significant (p≤0.05) decrease in sperm concentration and sperm motility in addition to significant (p≤0.05) increase in the percentage of dead and abnormal sperm. Daily aqueous B.serrata extract administration for 60 days managed to adjust all the metabolic disorders and enhanced rats fertility. The study concluded that the administration of B.serrata extract improves the adverse effects of high fat diet by acting as antidyslipidemic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent. B. serrata extract is also able to correct the disrupted metabolic pathways, with positive effect on male fertility.