Document Type : Articles


1 Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Anbar, Iraq

2 College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University, of Sulimani, Iraq, Kurdistan, Iraq


Light plays a crucial function in the bird embryo's growth and development, and its absence may lead to failure-hatching or embryo deformity. Thus, the investigation aimed to determine the significance of light colors on chickens' growth and embryonic development. This investigation was performed at the College of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, to examine how light colors impact embryonic development, Hatchability, and hatched chick quality. Four treatments were used:  Dark without light (control) (D), red light (RL), blue light (BL), and green light (GL), with three replications (25 egg/replicate). In total, 300 eggs (ROSS 308) were fertilized, and 75 eggs were laid in each incubator (each treatment in the incubator separately; the incubators were similar in all circumstances). The outcomes showed a considerable increase (P<0.01) in the embryonic development of the embryo length (mm) at the first stage of incubation, age of three days, as well as a considerable increase in the vascular area (mm) development and the No of somites pairs if all the experimental treatments exceeded the D. The treatment of the whole experiment in the ratio of the weight of the embryo on D as well as a meaningful improvement (P<0.01) in the albumin and yolk weight for the treatments. There was a considerable expansion in the hatchability (P<0.01) and the quality for all the investigation treatments in comparison to the D. In conclusion, using light during the embryonic period will affect embryo development, embryonic traits, hatchability, and chick quality
