Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences (TJAS) is a scientific and open access peer-reviewed start on 1998, scholarly publication aiming to promote scientific agriculture sciences and presented to researchers and academic students of Agricultural Sciences. TJAS is available for authors and readers free of - charge immediately upon publication. TJAS publishes four issues per year and publishes original articles, review papers, and case reports in different areas of agricultural sciences. Tikrit Journal for Agricultural Sciences is published on behalf of the College of Agriculture, Tikrit University.


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Diminish the chances of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata eggs surviving by suppressing the expression of the heat shock protein 27 gene (Hsp27).

Farhan Al-Behadili; Qasim Ahmed; Thamer Al-Shuwaili; Beibei Li; Yonglin Ren

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 1-13

  The hypothesized role of stress-inducible heat shock proteins is to act as a buffer against environmental variations and affect fitness in suboptimal conditions. Our study examining the functions of heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) in the eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). We utilized ...  Read More

Evaluation of oome modifications of langstroth hives used in breeding Apis Mellifera L. honey bees and measuring changes in temperature and humidity using a new computer system


Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 14-24

  The study was conducted in the researcher's apiary located in the Salah al-Din governorate, Iraq. The experiment took place during the winter months of January, December, and February of the year 2021-2022 Which aims to evaluate the Overwintering period based on the temperature and  humidity inside ...  Read More

Estimation and analysis of the economic effects of the Corona Virus on Food Security in Iraq

Eman Faisal Mohammed Al-Zubaidi; Kays Nadhim Ghazal

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 25-43

  The coronavirus pandemic is one of the types of communicable and infectious diseases that have caused very significant impacts in many economic variables, especially the food gap for wheat and rice crops in Iraq and in the majority of the world. The problem of research lies in the nature of the challenges ...  Read More

Evaluation of adrenal gland at pre and post maturation in domestic cats: A comparative histological study

Khalid Alkhazraji; Rabab A. Naser; Fatimah S. Zghair

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 44-53

  Object of this study was to describe the histological composition of the adrenal gland in  immature and adult local domestic cats. Twenty four healthy cats, as twelve immature aged 2-3 months and twelve adult aged 11-12 months were used. Post euthanized of all cats, their abdominal dissected, identified ...  Read More

Effect of deficit irrigation and partial rootzone drying on the water consumptive use, growth and yield of faba bean (vicia faba L.) in a gypsiferous soil

Awss Khairo

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 54-71

  Iraq’s farming sector is under increasing pressure to improve water use productivity as a result of the recent drought, environmental concerns regarding sustainable river ecosystems, and government policies on water metering and allocations. To cope with scarce supplies, deficit irrigation, and partial ...  Read More

First record to the spider Scytodes univittata (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad, Iraq

Zeina Nabil Al Azawi

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 72-80

  This study is  the first and  new record  to the spider Scytodes univittata Simon, 1882  (Araneae:Scytodidae)in Baghdad /Iraq , the spiders Scytodes univittata  were collect from province Baghdad in Iraq , genus Scytodes belong to the  family Scytodidae  it is one of the most family are wide  ...  Read More

Improving of vitamins C and D3 content of medicinal pumpkin plant grown under organic farming programs

Taha Shihab Ahmed; Bnar Jamal Jalal; Rajaa Mansour Hasaballa; Mustafa Rasheed Alqaisi

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 81-92

  This study aimed to evaluate the application of different farming programs. Three organic farming (P2, P3, P3) were used and compared with traditional programs (P1, chemical). Their effect in improving medicinal pumpkin seeds quality was examined. As a quality addition of supplying chain, the quantitative ...  Read More

Effect of Natural Zeolite (Nz) of Growth Performance, Immunity Parameters and Gut Histology in Broiler Chicken

Zaed J. Saed; Oday K. Hamad; Arkan Mohammed; Tareq K.H. Al-Jumaily

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 93-101

  The spread of food-borne illnesses through poultry is a major issue in many countries, including Iraq. Bacteria can be present in poultry products if proper hygiene and sanitation protocols are not followed during production and processing. This research aimed to examine the impact of zeolite on performance, ...  Read More

Evaluation of Performance and Estimation of Combining Ability in Flax Crop by Using Factorial Mating Design

Saad Edan Abdullah Al_Raheem; Ahmed Hawas Abdullah Anees

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 102-114

  A field experiment was carried out at agricultural field in al-Alam the coordinates of (N 43.835672 - E 34.777260) district/Salahuddin Governorate during (2021 - 2022) A.D season to study, with the aim of evaluating the genotypes and positions in a crop using factorial mating and in these eight flax ...  Read More

Sustainable Energy Use for Mechanized Wheat Production Systems in Iraq

Abdulla Azawi; Thaer Turky; Momtaz Isaak

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 115-130

  The utilization of agricultural machinery was fully mechanized for wheat production in Iraq. This study essentially aimed to inspect inputs – outputs energy for wheat production in Salah Al-Deen, Iraq. The data were obtained from 45 wheat farms by using face to face questionnaire method in 2022. The ...  Read More

Wheat Crop Management and growth stage monitoring in some gypsiferous soil units using remote sensing

Ammar S. Ismaeal; Mohammed Jarullah Farhan farhan; Ayad Abdullah Khalaf

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 131-160

  The study used remote sensing to manage and monitor wheat crop health in some gypsiferous soil units. Five sites cultivated with wheat and irrigated by a central pivot irrigation system were selected within gypsiferous soil units in some agricultural lands. Soil and plant samples were collected at the ...  Read More

Characterization of biologically synthesized copper nanoparticles by Aspergillus carbonarius and evaluation of their activity in reducing the pathogenic stress of tomatoes infected with Fusarium oxysporum

Abier Raouf Al-Qaissi; Shahbaa Hatiem Fouzi; Ayyub Juma AL-Baytay

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 161-177

  This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the fungus Aspergillus carbonarius in the synthesis of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) from copper chloride solution, with the characterization of these nanoparticles and the demonstration of their effectiveness in inhibiting the pathogenic fungus Fusarium ...  Read More

Assessing the compost of Prosopis farcta and Alhagi maurorum as organic fertilizer for potato growth and yield (Solanum tuberosum L.)

Ghassan Zaidan; Kutaiba Y. Aied; Abdulkareem E. S. Alkurtany

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 178-196

  Growing potatoes requires great care because it needs large nutrients. Proper fertilization is a critical aspect of improving yield. This study comprises a field experiment to assess the impact of several fertilization approaches on the crop performance of potato (cv. Montreal). In this context, we used ...  Read More

Growth and yield response of four bread wheat cultivars, (Triticum aestivum L.), to spraying with NPK nano fertilizer
Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 197-213

  Abstract A field experiment was carried out during the agricultural season 2021-2022 in two locations within the administrative borders of Nineveh Governorate, the first location in the Gleokhan area within the borders of Mosul Center and the second location within the administrative borders of Namrod ...  Read More

Phytochemical analysis and biological activity of some local and imported walnut

Shabaz H. Hama; Kadhm A. Muhammad

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 214-222

  To study the bioactive substances of the walnut kernel of six cultivars which were newly selected from Kurdistan-Iraq and one type import from America, analyzed for their phytochemical contents and antioxidant activities. HPLC (High-performance liquid chromatography) was used for phenolic compound estimation, ...  Read More

Role of Rural Women in Production and Marketing of Agricultural product in Khormal Sub-District- Halabja Governorate

Kazhan Jamal Hassan; Mohammed Omer Sakina; Bekhal Qasim Mohammed; Chawan Mohammed Salih

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 223-234

         The aim of this study was to determine the role of rural women in production and marketing of agricultural products in Zalm village, and identify the differences in production and marketing of agricultural products of rural women’s role according to some variables ...  Read More

The effect of carotenoids of Rhodotorula glutinis and probiotic of Lactobacillus acidophilus on some physiological and histological variables of the pancreas and liver in male rats exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Wijdan I.A. Abd-alwahab; Roaa J. J. Al-Assie; Ashraf Kamil Azeez; Ghadir Kamil Ghadir

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 235-245

  ABSTRACT This study was conducted in the laboratory animal house at the College of Education/University of Samarra to establish and evaluate and treatment the effect of ultraviolet radiation (UV) on the health and functions of the pancreas and liver by use the carotenoids that extracted from Rhodotorula ...  Read More

Climate change effect on the characteristics of raw domestic wastewater, sedimentation pond water, and treated wastewater

Ashraf O. Khashroum

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 246-259

  The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of climate change on the characteristics of raw domestic wastewater, sedimentation pond water, and treated wastewater. The wastewater samples were collected from Khirbet Assamra wastewater treatment plant (KSWTP) in Azzarga Governorate in the Middle ...  Read More

Nanoemulsion of Amber rice bran oil (Oryza sativa L.), characterization and properties

Saif Saad Turki; Nameer Kh. Mohammed; Belal J. Muhialdin; Anis S. Hussin

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 260-279

  A nanoemulsion of Iraqi Amber rice bran oil (NARBO) was prepared using an ultrasonic method. The nanoemulsions: NE1, NE2, and NE3 were formulated using an emulsifier (Tween 80 and sodium caseinate) in a ratio of 1:1 and at a concentration of (1.5, 2, 2.5%), and were examined to ensure their stability ...  Read More

Impact of licorice application on drought tolerance in maize (zea mays L.)

Bekhal M. Hama; Shilan Mahmood Ahmed; Mihraban Sharif Maeruf; Nawroz Abdul-razzak Tahir

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 280-297

  Water deficit stress triggers complex physiological and biochemical retorts in plants. Different plant species have also involved numerous morphological, physiological, biochemical, cellular, and molecular mechanisms to overcome drought stress conditions. This experiment was conducted at the College ...  Read More

Evolution the effectiveness of Vernonia amygdalina in some physiological parameters against hepatic and renal injury in male rats

Heba A. Abd-Alsalam Alsalame; Layla S. Laylani

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 298-310

  Liver cancer is the most common type of cancer, it take place due to several toxic materials and drugs metabolism  in our life . the surgical intervention is the main solution for treatment of liver cancer .  In this study we investigate the efficiency of  Vernonia amygdalina  (VA) ...  Read More

Determine the levels of heavy metal residues in different parts of chicken in the Tikrit and Beji cities of Iraq

Tariq Kh. M. Albashr; Suhad Al-Magsoosi; Nashmil Jawhar Rashid; Zaid Kh. Khidhir

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 311-327

  The aim of this study was to determine the level of heavy metal residues in different parts of local chicken meat (thigh, bone, liver, and breast) obtaining from different houses in the Iraqi cities of  Tikrit and Beji. Heavy metal contamination in poultry products is a major concern due to its ...  Read More

Diminish the chances of Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata eggs surviving by suppressing the expression of the heat shock protein 27 gene (Hsp27).

Farhan Al-Behadili; Qasim Ahmed; Thamer Al-Shuwaili; Beibei Li; Yonglin Ren

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 1-13

  The hypothesized role of stress-inducible heat shock proteins is to act as a buffer against environmental variations and affect fitness in suboptimal conditions. Our study examining the functions of heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27) in the eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). We utilized ...  Read More

Evaluation of oome modifications of langstroth hives used in breeding Apis Mellifera L. honey bees and measuring changes in temperature and humidity using a new computer system


Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 14-24

  The study was conducted in the researcher's apiary located in the Salah al-Din governorate, Iraq. The experiment took place during the winter months of January, December, and February of the year 2021-2022 Which aims to evaluate the Overwintering period based on the temperature and  humidity inside ...  Read More

Improving of vitamins C and D3 content of medicinal pumpkin plant grown under organic farming programs

Taha Shihab Ahmed; Bnar Jamal Jalal; Rajaa Mansour Hasaballa; Mustafa Rasheed Alqaisi

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 81-92

  This study aimed to evaluate the application of different farming programs. Three organic farming (P2, P3, P3) were used and compared with traditional programs (P1, chemical). Their effect in improving medicinal pumpkin seeds quality was examined. As a quality addition of supplying chain, the quantitative ...  Read More

Effect of deficit irrigation and partial rootzone drying on the water consumptive use, growth and yield of faba bean (vicia faba L.) in a gypsiferous soil

Awss Khairo

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 54-71

  Iraq’s farming sector is under increasing pressure to improve water use productivity as a result of the recent drought, environmental concerns regarding sustainable river ecosystems, and government policies on water metering and allocations. To cope with scarce supplies, deficit irrigation, and partial ...  Read More

Estimation and analysis of the economic effects of the Corona Virus on Food Security in Iraq

Eman Faisal Mohammed Al-Zubaidi; Kays Nadhim Ghazal

Volume 24, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 25-43

  The coronavirus pandemic is one of the types of communicable and infectious diseases that have caused very significant impacts in many economic variables, especially the food gap for wheat and rice crops in Iraq and in the majority of the world. The problem of research lies in the nature of the challenges ...  Read More

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