Document Type : Articles


Forestry Dept. College of Agriculture & Forestry, Mosul University, Iraq


Economic and useful forest trees belong to the group of Gymnospermae. This class includes four orders. One of the largest and most important order is Coniferales, to which belong 550 species spread all over the world. This order concentrated in the northern hemisphere, especially in cold regions. It grows in poor soils and has the ability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions. It also produces good timber for various purposes. For these reasons, there was great interest to study it in natural forests. One of the largest families under this order is Pinaceae. This family includes nine genera with up to 210 species. Pinus L. is considered one of the most important and largest genus, which contains more than 90 species. Its plants are found in cold and temperate regions. However, in hot areas, it is found only on high mountains. Brutian pine spreads at different altitudes (0 - 1600 meters) above sea level. It grows naturally in Iraq including the governorates of Nineveh and Dohuk. Particularly, areas such as Zawita and Atrush are involved. Pine spreads in cold and temperate regions. In the Arab world, there are types of pine and it is found in the mountains of the Levant. It is found in the regions of Mount Lebanon Matn, Kesrouan, Chouf and Aley, in Syria in the mountains of Lattakia and Mount Aleppo, and in the Syrian forest areas, and it is found in northern and central Palestine and Jordan. In the Maghreb, it is found in the forests northwest of Tunisia, in the mountains of Algeria and the Moroccan countryside, and is found in the areas adjacent to the city of Al-Bayda.


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