Document Type : Articles


Tikrit University, Agriculture College, Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources, Iraq


For clean a agriculture and a safe environment, this study was conducted, which included the preparation of a compost from Prosopis fracta and Alhagi maurorum plants, and evaluation Its as a medium for tomato seedlings production comparing it with peat moss, and as an organic fertilizer in comparison with a number of organic fertilizers - poultry wastes, cow with sheep wastes and spent mushroom compost residues, the results showed the superiority of the prepared compost over the peat moss in the speed and percentage of germination, plant height, and dry vegetative weight of tomato seedlings with a percentage increase of these traits amounted to 27.27%, 8.13%, 52.46% and 33.20%, respectively.. The results of evaluating compost as an organic fertilizer showed that the two treatments of poultry and compost were superior to mushroom residues, the mixture of cow and sheep manure in chlorophyll content, dry vegetative weight and fruit yield, as the chlorophyll content reached 52, 51, 48 and 50 SPAD, the dry vegetable weight of 776, 761, 633 and 643 g plant-1, the total yield of fruits 11.6, 11.1, 6.6 and 8.3 kg plant-1. The results of chlorophyll, dry vegetative weight of plants and total fruit yield of the combination of organic fertilizers - poultry wastes, compost, mushroom residues, and mixture of cow and sheep wastes- with 1/2 amount of chemical fertilizer NPK amount of 66 , 64, 57, 63 SPAD, 1125, 1123, 1076 and 1081 gm plant-1, 15.8, 15.7, 14.9 and 15.3 kg plant-1 respectively.


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