Document Type : Articles


Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources / College of Agriculture / Tikrit University, Iraq


Three pedons were selected representing the soil series of the study area in Baiji city, which are Khadraniya, Al-Sharqat, and Manjour soils series, representing calcareous and gypsiferous soils, to diagnose some of micro-morphological Features in soil series horizons. Pedons were morphologically described, and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected from each horizon. The presence of (calcic) and (gypsic) horizons has been diagnostic by morphological field results, ccumulation of lime and gypsum in soil matrix as vertical gypsic threads and beards and aggregates under gravel and gypsum crystals the size of coarse sand, as well as some lime and gypsum as nodules intertwined within soil structure units in soil horizons that reflects the influence of parent material and primary sedimentation sources .The results of morphological characteristics are represented by the presence of gypsum crystals in distinct shapes, including lenticular, and spindle as Enhedral and subhedral, and the size of fine to coarse sand, as well as the granules that in filling pores, as well as the presence of pores in vughs and chamber, as well as the spongy and granular structure, as well as the presence of iron coating in the form Encases of gypsum crystals.


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