Document Type : Articles


1 College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Iraq,

2 Salah al-Din Agriculture Directorate


A field study was conducted in date palm orchards in Salah al-Din Governorate during the period from 1/10/ 2020 to 30/10/2021 to survey the species of date palm borers and estimate their population density and relative presence during the study period. The results showed the diagnosis of three species of palm borers belonging to Coleoptera of the family Scarabaeidae, which included Oryctes elegans, Pentodon sp and Tanyproctus sp. The relative presence of males and females for the three borers was (53.00, 47.00%), (51.98, 48.02%) and (52.76, 47.24 %), respectively., the highest population density for males and females of the three borers during the month of June was (224, 192), (145, 132) and (68, 57) respectively, and the sex ratio for each of the three borers was 1.1:1 The highest total of adults caught by IPM Russell traps during one year was for O. elegans and Pentodon sp. it reached 418 and 236.3 adults/trap, respectively, while the total of adults of the two insects in the local trap was 75.7 and 49.9 adults/trap, respectively. For the borer Tanyproctus sp., the local trap superior on other traps , in which the total number of adults caught was 312 adults/trap, while it was 50 adults/IPM Russell trap.


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