Document Type : Articles


1 Horticulture Dep. College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Sulaimani

2 Al-Hawija Agriculture College, Kirkuk University.


This study was conducted during April–August 2020, in an open field at Qularasi Research Station, Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region-Iraq, to determine the effect of watermelon variety on population density of melon weevil Actopeus curvirostris persicus. Results showed that the melon weevil has distinct daily activities. Two activity peaks were observed in late-June and early-July. The general mean of population density on June 28 was (1.611) weevil /week, which was less than July 4 (2.583) weevils/week, the lowest number of weevils were observed at 7:00 am on the variety (Qamar F1) with (0.789) weevil/hour. Whereas, the highest number of weevil was observed at 7:00 am on Crimson Sweet variety with (1.525) weevil/hour. However, at 11:00 am, all varieties (Charleston Gray, Topgun F1, king Charles, Qamar F1, and Crimson Sweet) recorded the highest number of weevil (4.571, 4.238, 4.048, 4.048 and 1.524) weevil/hour, respectively. The population densities of melon weevil were high on all watermelon varieties in the last week of June and first week of July. Temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed correlations showed a great effect on melon weevil population density during the study period. The correlation was negative significant (-0.208) for temperature in the variety Crimson Sweet, while it was positive significant in the other varieties of Charleston Gray, Topgun F1, and King Charles with (0.165, 0.183 and 0.147), respectively. The correlation was positive significantly for relative humidity in the variety Crimson Sweet) with (0.165) however, it was negative significant for wind speed in the variety Topgun F1 with (0.137).


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