Document Type : Articles


Field Crops Department - College of Agriculture - Tikrit University., Iraq


A field experiment was conducted during the autumn season (2019) at the Research Station of Field Crops Department / College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, to study the effect of spraying potassium on the growth characteristics, yield and its components of the three genotypes of corn (Zea Mays L.). The first factor contained two concentrations of foliar spraying with potassium (2500 and 5000 ppm) and the second factor was three genotypes of corn (DKC6589, DKC6120, and ZP). The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design (R.C.B.D), with three replications. The results showed that foliar spraying with potassium had a significant effect for both levels on the following characteristics: plant height (171.50 cm), leaf area (6157.56 cm2), the weight of 300 grains (104.99 g), and total grain yield (9.134 Mg ha-1) .The genotypes were also significantly affected by the following traits. The genotype (DKC 6120) gave the highest values: Plant height (173.60 cm), leaf area (5992.83 cm2), ear length (18.14 cm), number of days from planting until 50% of tasseling (56.72 days), number of days from planting until 50% of silking (60.54 days), number of rows per ear (15.64 row ear-1), number of seeds per row (27.75), the number of grains in the ear (418.97), the weight of 300 grains (101.50 g), and the total grain yield (9.535 Mg ha-1).


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