Document Type : Articles


Nenavah Research Department – Office of Agricultural Reasearch, Iraq


The research was carried out in the poultry unit fields / Nineveh Research Department, to identify the effect of four generations (1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th) and feather color groups (black, brown, desert and white) of female quail on their productive performance. The results showed a significant improvement (P <0.05) through generations from 1st to 4th on egg production percentage and weight of eggs produced / kg, a significant increase (P <0.05) for feed consumption / kg as well as a significant decrease (P <0.05) for abnormal color percentage, while the four generations had no significant effect on Feed conversion ratio (feed kg / egg kg), age at 5% eggs production / day, hatchability percentage, fertility percentage, and sexual ratio. On the other hand, the desert color group feathers excelled significantly (P <0.05) in eggs weight / kg., Feed consumed / kg and the food conversion ratio / kg eggs compared to the black group only, and the lowest significant percentage (P <0.05) for colors anomalous was of the desert color group, there was no significant difference between the color groups of the rest of the other traits.


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