Document Type : Articles


Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry - Iraq University of Mosul- Iraq


The research dealt with the study of the productive and economic performance of broiler farms in Diyala Governorate - Iraq for the 2020 production season, through a questionnaire conducted for a group of broiler breeders, whose number was (35) breeders out of a total of( 360) products, they were randomly selected in order to know the status of production, costs and efficiency Farm management, and a multivariate productivity function model with value units was used to know the impact of production costs on production. The statistical and econometrics analysis showed an inefficiency in exploiting the available production capacities through the parameters of the estimated function, as it turned out that the slope of rented labor X2 towards production is high, as its value reached ( 2.875569), the slope of the feed purchase cost X3 in the estimated production function was (4.700436), while the other variables had a lower slope. The production performance indicators were also measured, which included the efficiency of food conversion, the economic indicator and the productivity index scale, as the economic index reached (27.8) and is considered low compared to the standard value that ranges between (170-200), while the value of the efficiency of food conversion was (1.6 kg of meat / kg of feed). Where the results showed the lack of sufficient knowledge of broiler breeders in the technical management of the broiler flock, as well as the misuse of the available productive resources. The study recommended increasing the number of the flock in the available production capacities according to scientific bases in order to achieve the reduction of fixed production costs and training broiler breeders on advanced technical methods To achieve efficiency in managing the broiler herd, thus minimizing production costs and maximizing profits.


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