Document Type : Articles


Department of Food Sciences/College of Agriculture/Tikrit University/Tikrit/Iraq


The study aims to detect the effect of adding of Bacillus licheniformis bacteria (1 × 108 cells/day/animal) to reduce the negative effect of cholesterol added to the food ration by 2% on body weights and the effect on some parameters, blood images and lipid profiles in male laboratory rats after a period of 28 days. In this study, 15 adult male Albino Sprague- Dawleyweanling rats of 8-9 weeks of age and average weight of 142 g are used. The animals are randomly distributed into 3 groups with each group consisting of 5 animals. The results show that the addition of cholesterol causes a significant increase at (P<0.05) in body weight, as the weight gain is 43.18 g compared with 19.13 g in the control group. The results also show a decrease in total number of red blood cells, hemoglobin levels, HCT and a significant increase in the number of white blood cells and platelets for groups of rats feeding cholesterol at (6.12 , 10.44 , 35.32 , 11.94 , 850.60) compared with the control group (7.09 , 12.30 , 38.54 , 9.22 , 597.40) respectively. The results also show an increase in the level of cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, and a significant decrease in the level of HDL compared to the control group .The addition of Bacillus licheniformis with cholesterol has a significant effect in reducing the negative effect of cholesterol on all the above-measured parameters.


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