Document Type : Articles


Administration and Economics, Tikrit University, Iraq


The aim of the research is to identify the importance of policies to diversify the sources of national income in the Iraqi economy and to develop the productive base of the economic sector without relying on the oil sector, as well as to determine the role of agricultural production and its contribution to the process of diversifying sources of income. The Iraqi economy is heavily dependent on oil revenues, making it vulnerable to the volatility surrounding this sector and the fluctuating revenues from it, so it is necessary to adopt strategies and policies to economically diversify the sources of national income in the Iraqi economy, develop the economic base without relying on the oil sector, generating revenues and diversifying sources of national income .The agriculture sector is one of the leading sectors with its relative abundance of agricultural resources, allowing economic policy to successfully implement a policy of developing and achieving diversified revenues outside oil revenues, as the agricultural sector can play a key and effective role in achieving diversification of sources of income through the necessary food products provided by this vital sector to meet the needs of domestic demand, as well as its contribution to foreign trade through the export of surplus agricultural production and its contribution to output. Gross domestic. The research concluded that the structure of Iraqi exports did not diversify, as Iraq was primarily based on crude oil exports in the composition of its exports by more than 99 percent, making the Iraqi economy more vulnerable to global crises that could occur and which would have an impact on oil price changes.


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