Document Type : Articles


Department of Economics and Agricultural Extension, Tikrit University, Iraq


The tomato crop is one of the most important daily consumer food crops that enters the consumer basket and its importance called for necessity Study it through a random sample consisting of (145) questionnaires, of which (75) are intended for farmers and (35) are designated for each of the wholesalers and (35) for retailers in the governorate Salah al-Din, and it is necessary to refer to the average number of dunams planted with the crop for the research sample (5.2) dunams, as the production of one dunam amounted to an average of (4.8) tons / dunam, and the average prices of the crop for the producer, wholesaler and retailer amounted to (382-504.4-701.7) dinars/ kg, respectively, the average absolute marketing margin between wholesaler - producer, retailer - wholesaler, retailer - producer amounted to (81.86 - 197.3 - 319) dina / kg, respectively, while the relative marketing margin between wholesaler - farms, wholesaler The retailer, the retailer-farmer (producer) amounted to (19.50%, 26.11%, 42.37%) respectively, and the profits of the retailer from the absolute marketing margin ranked first, while the profits of the wholesaler ranked second, and the marketing efficiency was measured, amounting to The average marketing efficiency according to the three laws of scale (1) amounted to (59.93%), For scale (2) it reached (65.41 %, 43.95%, 32.66%), and for scale (3) it reached (63.16%), it was concluded that it is low when compared with the marketing systems of the rest of the world. (319) dinars, while the profits of the wholesaler from the marketing margin averaged (197.3) dinars. The reason for this is attributed to the ability of the retailer to bargain without providing marketing services. There is scarcity and shortage in wholesale markets, and this in turn leads to many wholesalers monopolizing the crop and selling it at prices that suit them, as well as the necessity for the owners of wholesale offices to perform the necessary marketing functions (sorting, grading, classifying and packing) This study recommended opening new outlets for wholesale sales and expanding wholesale offices, as the study showed that there is a scarcity and shortage in wholesale markets, and this in turn leads to many wholesalers monopolizing the crop and selling it at prices that suit them


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