Document Type : Articles


1 Field Crops College of Agriculture - Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq

2 Health and Medical Technical College / Kirkuk - Northern Technical University


This study was conducted in the center of Kirkuk governorate in the farms of a farmer for the agricultural season 2020/2021. The study included two factors, the first is the distance between the meadows, where the following distances were used (30-50-70 cm) and the second factor was a group of varieties (Local, Yildiz, Sciabola verde, Aquadulce 2, Lue Deotono, Aquadulce), and the land was divided according to the design of randomized complete blocks (RCBD) with three replications. The factor of the distances between the rows was distributed on the main panels and the factor of the varieties on the secondary panels, and the results indicated that by increasing the distance between the rows, the average of the studied traits increased, as the distance exceeded 30) cm in leaf area, number of seeds per pod, weight of 100 seeds, total yield (kg/ha), protein percentage in seeds (%), and distance (70) cm in number of pods per plant. Leafy and Aquadulus 2 for the number of pods per plant and the total yield (kg/ha), Chabla Single for the number of seeds per pod, Leodotono for the weight of 100 seeds, and the local variety for the percentage of protein in seeds (%), and the overlap between the varieties was P and the distances were significant, as the interaction between Aquadulus cultivar at distance D2 had the highest leaf area and the cultivar Leodotino at distance D3 in the number of pods per plant and the interaction between the cultivar Chabla Individual at the distance D1 was the highest in the trait of the number of seeds in the pod and the interaction between the cultivar Yildiz at the distance D2 the highest average weight of 100 Seed and the interaction between the cultivar Chabla Farida at the distance D2 in the trait of the total yield (kg/ha), and the interaction between the cultivar Leodutunu and the distance D3 was the highest in this trait in the percentage of protein in the seeds (%).
