Document Type : Articles


1 Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq

2 Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq


Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) is a common avian species used as a model for studying reproductive and physiological functions. Liver and Bursa of Fabricius are two important organs involved in various metabolic and immunological processes. Previous research has shown that these organs exhibit sexual dimorphism and may be affected by genetic selection for certain traits in quail. This study aims to investigate the histological structures of liver and Bursa of Fabricius in two-line selection female and male Japanese quail. Liver and bursa were collected from both lines at 35 days of age. The hypatocytes in both strains is same in ranged and it sphirical in female but polyhidral in male , the sinosoids seen narrow in brown female and male compared with black, the artary in black strain seen more wide than in brown, the portal vein also had a large lumen in black than brown. The two strain have same characters of tissues in bursa of Fabricius but the cortex of black is larger than brown (female and male )and more eosinophilic in addition to present of adipose cells distributed in the bursa of Fabricius of black strain more than in the brown.
