Document Type : Articles


Field Crops Department/ Agriculture College /Tikrit University, Tikrit, Iraq


A field experiment was conducted at an agricultural farm in Baghdad governorate / Iraq (33.05N latitude, 44.32E longitude)  by using six parents of bread wheat: Alizz, Ipaa, Saberbeag, Dejla, Furat, and Entesar) and their offspring in a half-diallel according to the Griffing method to evaluate the genetic ability of production in single plants and estimate genetic parameters and stability of related traits under normal and salt stress conditions. Parents and their offspring grew for two winter seasons (2020 and 2021) by using a Randomized Completely Block Design with three replicates in a split-plot arrangement. Main plots included irrigation by saline water (1 and 6 d.m-1) and parents and their F1 were in sub-plots. Results showed that Irrigation with salty water (6 ) d.m-1 significantly impacted grain yield and its components with important effects of GCA and SCA through high variation of GCA in grain yield. Entesar genotype had significant GCA values in single plant grain yield and inherited its genes. On the other hand, heritability estimates in a narrow sense were high in most yield components. The superior cross (Furat*Entesar) did not show a significant response to saline water. Saberbeag*Entesar cross produced the highest and most stable single plant grain yield (13.37g) in most of the stability parameters estimation methods which could be a promising genotype.
