Document Type : Articles


1 Field crops department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Muthanna University, Iraq

2 Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Misan, Iraq

3 Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura University, Egypt

4 Department of Field Crops, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah, Iraq

5 Research Institute of Nyíregyháza, Institutes for Agricultural Research and Educational Farm, University of Debrecen, Hungary

6 Plant Protection, Agriculture Directorate, Misan Province, AL-Amarah, Iraq


Due to the environmental problems occurring from using chemical fertilizers, several considerations have been taken to the application of biofertilizers in the agriculture system. An experiment was implemented during seasons of 2020 under the environmental conditions of Basrah Governorate, Iraq, to compensate for sunflower inorganic NPK needs by biological and organic matter fertilizers. The experimental treatments were organized in a strip-split plot design, with each treatment being replicated three times. The vertical plots were allocated to the two sunflower Varieties (Shumoos and Aqmar). The horizontal plots were subjected to the organic matter fertilizer rates (control “without organic matter” and 16 tons ha-1 of chicken manure). While the sub-plots were allowed to five treatments of inorganic NPK and biological fertilizers (F0: control “without any fertilizers”; F1: NPK 120:80:100; F2: Biofertilizer “Azotobacter chroococcum” as a source of N plus PK; F3: Biofertilizer “Bacillus polymexa” as a source of P plus NK; F4: Biofertilizer “Azotobacter + Bacillus” plus K). the obtained results showed that Shumoos Varieties was found to outperform Aqmar genotype in the following characters: plant height, leaf area index, percentage of empty grain, number of grains per plant, 1000-achenes weight, the grain yield of ha, and oil yield per ha. The differences were 6.24, 22.26, 8.99, 10.86, 15.13, 27.72, and 4.22%, respectively. In addition, the findings unequivocally demonstrated that the application of 16 tons of chicken manure per hectare recorded the highest values of all the features under study.
