Document Type : Articles


Department of Dormitories Affairs, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


For aim of comparing two rotary plow factorial experiment conducted in silt clay loam. L and C shape of the blade in two rotary plows, tractor speed 4.6 and 8.7 km.h-1 and depth of tillage 8 and 15 cm were used as experiment factors. L blade rotary plow obtained on the best effective field capacity 0.9835 ha.h-1, shortest distance between two beats blade 0.1653 m, pulverization rate (soil clods < 25 mm) and fuel consumption 24.33 L.h-1. C blade rotary plow recorded least maximum tangential force1518.97 kg, specific energy 87.951 MJ.ha-1 and soil force acting on sharpened edge of each blade 303.80 kg. Speed of the tractor 8.7 km. h-1 gave least fuel consumption 23.44 L.ha-1, higher effective field capacity 1.2941 ha.h-1. Tractor speed 4.6 km.h-1 gave short distance beats of the blades 0.1420 m and high pulverization rate 0.63 %. Depth of tillage 8 cm gave least fuel consumption 23.53 L.ha-1, maximum tangential force 1937.36 kg, specific energy 62.459 MJ.ha-1, higher effective field capacity and pulverization rate 0.9965 ha.h-1 and 0.72 % respectively. Direct and inverse significantly correlations, addition non-significant founded among studied characteristics. Concluded the most influential factors in the experiment traits was speed then depth and both of them more than influent from L and C shape of the blades.
