Document Type : Articles


1 College of Education for Pure Science, Kerbala University, Iraq

2 Community Health Department, Kirkuk Technical Institute, Northern Technical University, Iraq


Liver cancer is the most common type of cancer, it take place due to several toxic materials and drugs metabolism  in our life . the surgical intervention is the main solution for treatment of liver cancer .  In this study we investigate the efficiency of  Vernonia amygdalina  (VA) leafs  phenolic extracts against hepatic tumor and renal injury induced by thioacetamide (TAA). Fourty adult males rats were used for this study and divided  randomly into four equal groups (10 animals for each group) , First negative (G1)  Group was given distilled water, Second positive group (G2) was  IP injected with 200 mg/kg inter of TAA  twice  a week, While the third group (G3) was gavaged 100 mg/kg (VA), The last group (G4) taken  200 mg/kg of TAA and 100  mg/kg  (VA)  , After 14 weeks , the following parameters were measure ALP  , ALT , AST , TB , Urea  , Cr ,  TGF-β ,  A-II , Renin,  ACE ,  ,MDA , GSH, SOD , ,TNF-α and IL-10 to evaluation the effectiveness of Vernonia amygdalina(VA)  leafs  extracts  . the result showed that treatment with  VA enhance normal liver and kidney function as well as  show its effectiveness  against liver cancer and renal abnormalities  .
