Document Type : Articles


Department of Field Crops / College of Agriculture / Tikrit University / Iraq


A field experiment was carried out at agricultural field in al-Alam district\Sallahiddin Governorate during 2020-2021 season to study the Creation of genetic variations in the flax crop as a result of gamma rays. The study factors included four levels of gamma rays, which were 0, 9, 18 and 27 Gy and six genotypes of the flax crop, which were Sakha1, Sakha2, Sakha3, Giza8, Syrian and Poloni, use a completely randomized block design with split plot system and was used three replications, traits studied were Duration to 50% flowering  and Duration of days to maturity, Plant height, Leaves ratio, Number of vegetative branches, Number of capsules Number of seeds, 1000 seeds weight, Plant yield and seed yield.The results of the study indicated that gamma rays had a significant effect on all studied traits, comparison treatment gave a lower value from the number of days to flowering 50% of plants and days to maturity (110.24) and (155.05) days, respectively, while the plants irradiated with the level 9 Gy recorded a significant superiority in the percentage of leaves (21.46) %, while the non-irradiated plants outperformed in the rest of the studied traits. the genotype Sakha1 gave the highest average mean in characteristics of number of vegetative branches (3.63) branch plant-1, number of capsules per plant (54.35) capsule plant-1, individual plant yield (2.22) gm plant-1, and seeds yield (433.63) kg ha-1. As for the interaction, it was significant through the non-irradiated Sakha1 genotype, which gave the highest value of the characteristics of the number of capsules per plant, the number of seeds per capsule, individual plant yield and total seed yield (62.22) capsule plant-1 9.96 seed capsule-1 (2.89) g plant-1 (578.60) kg ha-1, respectively.
